I already posted about this once thought I would do it again...

Went out this morning caught nine. The first seven I got to the shore in 45 minutes, had to wait over an hour for the next two. All over 12" one 14" and one 15" through all back and gave two away. I probably missed 40 strikes and two got off in the fight. Here's some pics...
Nice....I have been skunked both times I have been there :confused: Good job. Persistance though will pay off when I can get back there.
You done did reel good Bro


Great Job...
Nice job on catching some fish. I like the walk back in to the pond, gets you pumped up to catch fish. Your not a true fisherman if you don't enjoy catching fish of all sizes . Well done and welcome to OFF.
nice fish man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is that a prince nymph in the first pic?
bigsteel said:
nice fish man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is that a prince nymph in the first pic?

Sure is. That is the only thing I could catch them on.
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