Albany and Carp

I visited First lake for the first time in many years, the first time I went I was in the boat with my gramps and my dad and they were targeting bass, they were catching some monsters from what I remember, but the main thing I remember is the Carp rolling around everywhere, I was too little to know they were spawning. When I went to First lake Friday 10/16, we saw what looked like a couple monster Carp jump, but all we could manage to get is a bunch of little 12 inch bass (my buddy caught a 3lber while dropshotting the pond across the street, which looks like Carp water also).

Whats the best places to go around Albany to catch Carp, Waverly Lake looks like a really good place to fish for anything period, but does it hold Carp?
for numbers <> Freeway lakes

For size <> Swan Lakes

First Lake

First Lake

Drew, I thought you should know that First, Second and Third Lakes were all hazardous waste ponds back in 1950 somethings through the 1980s. Of course, you can shoot, spear, gaff, and even bowfish for carp in Oregon, though I've caught river carp that are incredible fightrers.
And J. Tackle is righton about Freeway and Swan. Timberlinn has 'em too, as well as Waverly Lake.

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I have seen tons of HUGE carp like 20+lbs. in the big pond by the landfill on Brewster Rd in Lebanon. Haven't fished for them. It's supposedly closed to the public.


I've heard the same info. It would be fun to find out.

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