9-15 nice day at Leaburg

Launch Time 7:15
Air Temp 55 Degrees
Water Temp 48 Degrees
Loading Time 2:00
Air Temp 83 Degrees
Water Temp 50 Degrees

Nice day at the lake-fish was hitting pretty good and the weather was great.
I caught 9 and kept 4 rainbows.
I was using a worm with a 18 inch leader on the bottom.
lucky you

lucky you

i was there on sunday,and it was dead,nobody but me fishing on the
road side,i should have known the fish wouldn,t be there,its never that empty there.didn't get a nibble using worms on the bottom,even trying some shrimp,with no action,they must have all decided to swim upstream and laugh at me:mad:damn you fish i will get you:pray:one day!!!
Hi scottishsmokedsalmon,
Do you get a chance to fish during the week days?
I usually have a full boat but any time I don't I would be glad to take you out.
I don't often fish on the weekends-too many people out.
thanks for the offer,unfortunatly i work graveyard during the week,so
my snoring would put the fish (and you) off,but woman who fishes might
take you up on the offer of a nice day on the water.thanks tony.
scottishsmokedsalmon said:
thanks for the offer,unfortunatly i work graveyard during the week,so
my snoring would put the fish (and you) off,but woman who fishes might
take you up on the offer of a nice day on the water.thanks tony.

YA and I got a BARBIE POLE a pink one!
I promise never to tell the trout that you caught them with a pink pole!:lol:
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