667 trophy size at Salish Pond!!

so the salish pond was stucked yesterday with 667 trophy size!!! i was there today i couldn't stay longer than 40 min!!! that was sad!! but it was crowded!! a lot of people trying to get those fish!!
Noob question

There are 4 ponds, all 4 ponds or a single pond do they stock the trout in?

I guess just going there and seeing where folks are would be all thats needed :)
you lucky sucker! yesterday i was supposed to go with my friend, but came down with the flu. im going tommorrow!! btw, what did you catch your fish on?
right on. my friend caught his with powerbait off the bottom. i dont have powerbait, so i will use spinners, and if that dosnt work, nightcrawlers. i didn't go today, probably tomorrow though .
I went today with my friend to look around. Only a few people caught fish. They were using a small pink worrm on a 2' leader with a small pinch weight.
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