Had a trout fishing itch, so took a trip up to Mayfield- waste of time! Trolled ALL day. We each had a trout on for about 2 seconds- that was all the action we until about 4pm. We trolled across a big point and my pole bounced on the downrigger- then pulled off the release. I was glad to have a fish bite for once! I could tell it wasn't a stocker but it was not active at all (43-44 degree water) It swam slowly around as if i didn't know or care that 6lb. test and a trout rod was trying to hold him back. Still took about 10 minutes to pull him slowly to the surface- were we SURPRISED! WOW- LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT THING!!!!!!

I tried lifting him up to the side of the boat for a picture but this was as close as I got. It may have been sluggish in the water, but try as I could to hold onto his tail and lift under the belly- three times he would wiggle so hard that I could not hold on. I could have unceremoniously drug him in and flopped him on the deck, but I wasn't willing to do that to him, so I just gave up and let him swim off! Would have loved to have a picture holding that guy, but it was not to be.

Made the day seem so much better!
( 2 inch spoon-nickel w/red head- 16 feet down-riggied in 20 ft of water)

I tried lifting him up to the side of the boat for a picture but this was as close as I got. It may have been sluggish in the water, but try as I could to hold onto his tail and lift under the belly- three times he would wiggle so hard that I could not hold on. I could have unceremoniously drug him in and flopped him on the deck, but I wasn't willing to do that to him, so I just gave up and let him swim off! Would have loved to have a picture holding that guy, but it was not to be.

Made the day seem so much better!
( 2 inch spoon-nickel w/red head- 16 feet down-riggied in 20 ft of water)