2017 spinner project

Ok, after hemming, and hawing with my brother for the past couple weeks, we want to attempt to make some spinners for ourselves. Building them is not so difficult, our question is: What size wires are optimal for builds. What size wire works best for trout, steelehead, and salmon? I had a random steelehead slam onto a size 00 Panther Martin not long ago, and just destroy the little thing. ARGH, FishFinger, where are you when I need you. I know many of you are building your own gear, please help my goober brother and I out. Thanks.
Bought my first "kit" from Don, at Fisherman's Shackk back in the 80's. He's located between Corvallis, and Monmouth. Here is a link, to his web site. He's amongst the most knowledgeable retailers, around these parts. <nice punny, huh? lol> And maybe you'll find some components, to buy from him too.
funny, I was already shopping materials off his site. didn't realize he had a shop down the road from me. looks like I know where Im going Saturday
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