1/3/09 first time out...no fish

So was outside today from 9-1 and not a fish was to be had by anyone out there. Saw two dead fish near the outlet side and two almost dead fish stroll on by near the edge. It was our first time fishing and we were trying with spinners. So far crabbing is still more fun. Guess I'll try again next weekend.
Fished it all week

Fished it all week

Yeah I was there too, and it was dead in the beginning of the week. I went on the 2nd, 4th and 5th and 6th. They stocked on the 4th. It was really good the morning of the 5th. I limited out plus 2 C&R. I've heard it is always good action the day after and up to about two days after stocking and then it's back to on and off, but not really good the day they stock. The morning of the 5th is the best I've ever done there. I've gotten skunked there ever other time. Those days seem like you could throw your whole tackle box at the pond and nothing would bite...
Junglefrank said:
Yeah I was there too, and it was dead in the beginning of the week. I went on the 2nd, 4th and 5th and 6th. They stocked on the 4th. It was really good the morning of the 5th. I limited out plus 2 C&R. I've heard it is always good action the day after and up to about two days after stocking and then it's back to on and off, but not really good the day they stock. The morning of the 5th is the best I've ever done there. I've gotten skunked there ever other time. Those days seem like you could throw your whole tackle box at the pond and nothing would bite...

Yeah, the fish have been really spooky. Its weird, I think its because of the Cormorants, there were 20-30 there the other day, and fish were holding close to shore, and spooking if someone casted or walked near them. They were not hitting on anything! I did not see anyone catching anything, not even a guy who usually catches fish after fish on his fly rod.:(
the guy with the fly rod will be grampa ron ,and if he,s not catching then its time to pack up and go home.Dang those pesky cormorants!!!!
I hear ya

I hear ya

Those dang birds probably gobble up over half the fish stocked... I just got a fly pole and some new flies. I might try it out the next time I'm at JCP or Alton Baker. It should be a good laugh. I've been a spin and bait fisherman all my life, but fly fishing seems like a lot of fun and I've seen some guys pull in some monster fish at JCP on flies. Look for the idiot in a gray flannel trying to look like he knows what he is doing... :lol:
catching Trout

catching Trout

Just in case you don't already know, Alton Baker will be stocked with 2000 legals on Thursday (2-11-10). I plan to be there with my fly rod and bait rod. If the winds blowing it's very hard to fly fish. I'm sure the water is pretty cold. It's hard to say how well they will bite anything. There are really good fly casting lessons on YOUTUBE. Here's a good link. Mel Krieger is the best. YouTube - Mel Krieger fly casting
grampa ron said:
Just in case you don't already know, Alton Baker will be stocked with 2000 legals on Thursday (2-11-10). I plan to be there with my fly rod and bait rod. If the winds blowing it's very hard to fly fish. I'm sure the water is pretty cold. It's hard to say how well they will bite anything. There are really good fly casting lessons on YOUTUBE. Here's a good link. Mel Krieger is the best. YouTube - Mel Krieger fly casting

I may be there myself!! Fly rod, and spinning, hopefully it will not be too wet, I do not have rain gear, other than a yellow $1 poncho. Although, I may have to go work on the new home we got, but I think I can find some fishin' time!:D
scottishsmokedsalmon said:
the guy with the fly rod will be grampa ron ,and if he,s not catching then its time to pack up and go home.Dang those pesky cormorants!!!!

Grandparon knows his fish. He was pointing at where there was a fish, and then all the sudden it jumped out of the water twice in front of us!!!!

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