05-30-2011 Report and offerings to the porcelain throne

So a friend and I went out and hit Gales Creek on Monday.

I got up around 4am and got over to his place about 4:45. Then we got to Gales Creek Campground around 5:30am. Got all geared up, showed him how to use the light spinning rod that he was using, gave him his hardware (spinners) and then we shot up the creek.

The water was pretty low. On average around ankle to mid shin. Nothing every over my knees (I am 5'9"). But it was crazy punk slippery!!!! The rocks were coated with green algae and nasty brown creek gunk. YUCK!!!

After a few hours of meandering our way up stream and no bites nor hint of a fish, I sat down on the side of the creek and lied down to watch a small hatch of midges come off of the water. I was pretty tired for some strange reason and so it felt good to sit down and rest. The next thing I know, my fishing partner is telling me get up. I guess that I fell asleep. :think:

Regretfully, none of us got a single bite in that area. Didn't even see a fish or a single sign of a fish.

So we hiked back down stream, hopped into my rig and drove down stream to a different location. The water looked better, deeper, clearer, and just all around more inviting.

We got to a nice spot and started fishing. This day was the first time my friend had ever fished ...... in his life ....... EVER!!!! :shock: So he was having a difficult time learning how to cast properly. He was shooting straight up above himself and almost having the spinner land on his head. He would hit the ground about 2 feet out in front of him. He would cast all the way over to the other bank or up high into the trees on the other side. Sometimes he would even cast behind him and get snagged in the branches! So, we worked on casting, proper angles, wrist action, overhead vs. sidearm, etc. We also worked on reading the water and trying to located fish. I also tried to let him use my fly rod but smacking the water in front of you and behind you when you cast isn't really a good thing.

the day was pretty nice and around 11am a nice hatch of mayflies started to come off of the water and fly around. LOTS of them!! Too bad we left our cameras int he car once we changed locations!!! :mad:

After a little while, it started to rain, and then down pour!! The skies would go from patches of clouds and nice and some-what sunny to cloudy and pouring! But the cool thing was that as it was pouring, fish started to rise and take some may flies off of the water!! So I switched over to a PMD and started casting to them. I had one or two hits but nothing more than that and no takes. :(

I looked over and my fishing partner had a birds nest of line (again). So I took him over to the side of the stream and helped him out. We got to one spot and he kept casting into the trees. So I took his rod, checked the spinner that he had on it and changed it to a 1/16th oz black and yellow panther martin. I showed him how he should be casting and where. On my second cast of showing him where and how, BAM, fish on!!!!! He was somewhat excited but didn't really show it too much. The fish was beautiful in the water. Flipping and twisting all over the place. It was about a 9 incher. As I reached for my net and tried to hand him the rod, I lowered the tip and fish came off!!! :mad:

So I cast again to the same spot and BAM, fish on!!! The one was about a 6 incher. SWEET!!!! :dance:

It got about to the same spot and off he came. :mad::mad:

So we worked out way up the stream a little ways. We ran into some really deep water. Up until then, the majority of the water was about ankle to knee deep, with some that was just under my waist. But this was well above my head!! But I couldn't get any strikes or anything out of it. So we moved on. I came to a spot where I decided to tie on an elkhair caddis, size 20, green thorax. I cast out to one promising looking spot and bam, fish came out of the water to take my fly. i tried to set the hook but it came flying right back at me. this went on for about 8 or 9 more times!!! :confused:

Every time I cast out there, bam, a fish would strike it, sometimes two right after each other!! :shock: So I switched it up to a size 24 stimulator that I had and after the second strike, FISH ON!!! it was a little guy, around 3, maybe 4, inches. I tired to get another one but the rise slowed down and it was getting late for me, so I had to head home.

Later that day, around 7:30pm, I decided to visit the porcelain throne and give offerings that last the whole night and part of the next morning and day. It wasn't fun. But I am finally over being sick and back to work.

I hope to get back out there this saturday or I might hit up another location close to there, we will see.

Oh, and no pics because we left the cameras int he rig after we moved locations. Sorry buys! :(


P.S. During the drive home, I asked my friend if he enjoyed the fishing. I asked him to be completely honest as I saw more bird's nest of line and tangles than actual spinners int he water. He thought for a moment and then calmly aid that it was ok. That he was bored most of the time but that it was ok. I asked him why he wanted to come after I had previously explained that we probably would be casting more than catching and exploring more than anything else. He said because he didn't have anything better to do that day so he decided to tag along. :shock: So basically fishing was his last resort for something to do that day. hahahaha, it made me chuckle. :lol:
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lol sounds like that trip was full of adventure . better to get out then nothing bro. by the way you need to come down here and fish when the weather gets warm again..sending pm
by the way, some advice while setting the hook while dry fly fishing, i know it's hard but wait until the fish turns or goes back into the water. usually will sink the hook right into the corner of their mouth.
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brandon4455 said:
by the way, some advice while setting the hook while dry fly fishing, i know it's hard but wait until the fish turns or goes back into the water. usually will sink the hook right into the corner of their mouth.

Yeah, I kept remembering to wait until the fish went back under and I did that but couldn't get the hook set. Once I did get that smaller stimulator into the one I did catch, even the stimulator was too big for him!!! So I think that perhaps even the size 18 caddis' that I was using were maybe too small. But it could be that I need to wait just a split second more or a slpit second less to set the hook properly. Thanks for the advise. I can't wait to get down there again and hit those small creeks with you soon!! That will be a blast!!!

It sucks to be sick opening weekend, but hopefully you got out this weekend to make up for it.

Also, you only mentioned you left the camera in the car at the second location, I'd be interested in seeing any river/scenery photos from above the campground if you've got them.
chris61182 said:
It sucks to be sick opening weekend, but hopefully you got out this weekend to make up for it.

Also, you only mentioned you left the camera in the car at the second location, I'd be interested in seeing any river/scenery photos from above the campground if you've got them.

Sorry Chris,

Even though we had our cameras with us, we didn't take any pictures at all. I was too busy with helping my fishing partner get used to the gear, located possible holding waters and other things. But the area above the camp was beautiful. Next time I am up there, hopefully soon, I will take some pics and share them. :D

Take care.


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