03-20-2010 Siltcoos Lake

Me and the other Andy(Windburnt) Got to gether and decided to try some early bassing. Got the boat ready the night before and were on the road before 8 and had the boat launched around 10 (just noticed i need to daylight savings my camera clock). After a quick trip (Having a 15 instead of a 6 sure does help) across the mostly calm lake we headed up the fiddle arm for some bass. right as the wind started to blow a bit. Good thing the arms and coves are mostly wind proof. Used the electric motor to hug the bank and fish around some structure. haden't used the electric much on my test run of the boat the other day but it works well and i like it when standing and casting to manuvere around and its stealthy. I managed to get an early run coho on a white spinnerbait. Just kidding it was just a smolt. And we fished that arm hard for a while with a few more small bites from small fish on big lures. Headed back out under the railroad bridge into some choppy water and went up and fish another sheltered cove for a bit before heading up the maple arm. As we left the sheltered cove the sun finally broke through the clouds and we had some parlty sunny skies for the afternoon. The maple arm was somewhat protected but was breezey. We would just ride the wind into the shore motor out and repeat. Even my anchor didn't slow us fown much dragging the soft bottom and weeds. Andy managed to get 2 nice cuttrought before we decided to run back through the chop to another spot. I don't know why you can never get a good picture of how rough the water is so we took a few videos but the still don't show it all. It was some rough water and i have been out in that kind of water with my last boat and got a lot of water in so My new boat passed the test. Its higher sides a big help. Fished around the little island out of the wind and then even went into the river for a bit. Even though we were after bass all we got was the one coho smolt, 2 cutties and several hits from trout/smolts that you would feel and then see a small silvery flash out by your monster bass lure. Kiska had a blast and so did we. After a long day on the water drinking beers we called it quits right before it rained and went to rileys for some more beer and real food. I had a huge ribeye with all the fixings. man that made a day out without much to show for it really worth it. Enjoy the pics and I will try to figure out how to upload a video.
More pics of the day

More pics of the day

Figured i would put the fishing pictures up first so maybe anatoliy might make a fetured report out of them. Here are mor pics of the day.
Thats a beautiful trout. Looks like the 3 of u had a great day. So when are we gonn meet up at crescent thuggin? lol :D
Some day we will have to meet up there. I gave up trying for lakers until I have all the gear needed instead of some of it.
That water looks really bassy. Thanks for sharing.
A lot of the coastal lakes look really bassy. I have a fealing when it heats up it will be on!
TTFishon said:
That water looks really bassy. Thanks for sharing.

Great pics there Thuggin
Siltcoos is easily the worst lake on the coast for wind. It does have good bass and trout tho.
Nice story! Man if you just would have used a purple worm... work it slow on the bottom. ;) Works every time! haha
Wow! The lilly pads are out
Ok I figured it out!

Ok I figured it out!

Here is the video but like I said you can't tell how big the waves are in a pic ore video so if it looks rough on a video that means its really rough. The video makes it look calm. The waves were mostly averaging 1 3/4-2 1/4' tall form top of one to top of next mesure the high point of the wave to the low spot between the waves. Even rougher heading with the wind but the video is of us traavelling into the wind. Anyways enjoy I know I did since I would have been rather wet in my last boat.
Okay so not to be a preacher or anything.. but I gotta ask, what good are those life jackets doing in the bottom of the boat? :) No ball busting intended just trying to help.
I understand where you are coming from. I have always taking boating in rough conditions with caution slowly learning what i can get away with. Last summer we spent a few hours on the bank building a fire waiting for the wind to die down. Now i f I could do it all over again I would go right on across the lake. I can swim and life jackets float. I also was sitting on a trowable so I think In a split second I could grab it if $h!t hit the fan. As to the answer of the original question they are keeping me from getting a ticket. The was a time and only one time where I felt the need to put it on so I did and if I get that fealing I would put one one again quick.
ive hunted siltcoos a lot this past year, and trust me it can be like a ocean out there...
A buddy & I rented a boat on Siltcoos back in '78 or '79. We slipped into a cove on the southside and spent the entire afternoon in the cove fishing. The water was calm the whole way across and into the cove. And, it remained calm in the cove the whole day.

When it started getting dark, we pulled anchor and started back towards the marina. But, when we approached open water; we encountered that HIGHEST waves that I EVER seen on a lake. And, I have been on many "windy" lakes. Fortunately for us, my buddy had experience piloting boat in and out of Ocean bars. So, he knew what to do.

But, it was slow going, got soaked to the bone with the first wave and it was SCARY! In fact, the weather was so bad that Marina employees came out to look for us--because they figured that they would find an upside down boat and 2 men overboard!

I now have a LOT of cautious respect for Siltcoos and other lakes now. And, I put on a life jacket when things even begin to look dicey.
troutdude said:
A buddy & I rented a boat on Siltcoos back in '78 or '79. We slipped into a cove on the southside and spent the entire afternoon in the cove fishing. The water was calm the whole way across and into the cove. And, it remained calm in the cove the whole day.

When it started getting dark, we pulled anchor and started back towards the marina. But, when we approached open water; we encountered that HIGHEST waves that I EVER seen on a lake. And, I have been on many "windy" lakes. Fortunately for us, my buddy had experience piloting boat in and out of Ocean bars. So, he knew what to do.

But, it was slow going, got soaked to the bone with the first wave and it was SCARY! In fact, the weather was so bad that Marina employees came out to look for us--because they figured that they would find an upside down boat and 2 men overboard!

I now have a LOT of cautious respect for Siltcoos and other lakes now. And, I put on a life jacket when things even begin to look dicey.

I had a similar situation 2 seasons ago on Tahkenitch, never been scared on a lake like I was that day. It was worse than any conditions I had ever been in, including days out in the ocean. It's a longgggg trip from the 5 mile arm to the boat landing when that wind blows towards the east, 2.5 hour trip!

As far as bass go, I've never fished for bass intentionally, but I've caught some huge ones in Siltcoos fishin' for Coho
Don't forget about the state records you guided me into this season.

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