Recent content by GungasUncle

  1. GungasUncle

    Best spots for beginner fly fishing

    Gales Creek, along Hwy 6 headed toward Tillamook. Unless its changed in the last two years since I moved to Texas, its open year round, fly & lure only regs. Start fishing at Dorman's Pond (junction of Hwy 6 and 8) - you can walk down stream to the bridge where 6 crosses it - there's a great...
  2. GungasUncle

    Gales Creek Trout Fishing

    There's places on that creek I simply don't fish anymore, because of the things and people I've encountered out there. There was a huge homeless camp near the Roderick Rd. bridge, just downstream of it. by the pull out. I used to be fine parking at the pull out and walking through the creek to...
  3. GungasUncle

    Tualatin River Fishing

    I think there are some resident cutts throughout the system - I've caught them in Tigard, I've caught them in Hillsboro, and of course upstream too. The ones from the warmer, muddier waters always look washed out - very silvery with barely visible spots. The orange slashes are still showy...
  4. GungasUncle

    If the dams were removed would salmon start growing?

    Dam removal won't mean more, or bigger fish. It would mean Portland and most communities down stream of the dams would be wiped out every couple years. Ocean conditions, depredation, pollution, commercial fisheries and to an extent sport pressure have all lead to where we are today. We can...
  5. GungasUncle

    Lakes Henry Hagg Lake Fishing Reports

    I think the unstable water conditions lead to this issue in Hagg specifically. For me the best bass fishing comes early and late in the year out there - when water levels are pretty stable. I love spring Hagg, when the water is up at full pool, and there's lots of flooded grass and wood. Once...
  6. GungasUncle

    What do you throw at trout you can see?

    Flies, usually. They'll hit a spinner or small spoon too - start small - 1/16th oz for spinners and spoons. Natural colors - blacks, tans, olive greens, or white for spinners to start. Small chenille jigs are also good - or "fly tied jigs" - that is flies tied on jig hooks - 1/32nd and...
  7. GungasUncle

    Any tips for fishing at Progress Lake?

    Yep. Any sort of fly can be used with these bobbers - and woolly buggers, FYI are just a type of streamer. It imitates a leech, but minnow imitations will work as well. Also - micro jigs work well under these.
  8. GungasUncle

    West Fork Dairy Ceek regulations

    You gotta dig a bit deeper. Dairy Creek is a tributary of the Tualatin. Per the regs, the Tualatin and all tributaries are now open year round. Catch & release for trout, flies and lures only. For those over in Yamhill County - the Yamhill River has similar regulations.
  9. GungasUncle

    5 wt rod choice

    Really is a personal preference - you need to cast the rod to find the rod that feels best to you. I've had 10X more fly rods than girlfriends, some good, some very good, some real dogs. Price point and name brand don't mean crap when it comes to how a rod actually performs for an individual...
  10. GungasUncle

    Fly tying and patterns sharing thread

    Nope - they a twist on Kelly Galloup's Sex Dungeon - instead of the stacked deer hair head, I decided to do a stacked Laser Dub head. There's two hooks hidden in there - a size 4 and a size 2 Gamakatsu B10S. They are hard to see, but there's small brass eyes hidden in there too, to give the fly...
  11. GungasUncle

    4 or 5 weight line on a 7 weight rod?

    A rod of that vintage has to be glass - glass rods usually go the opposite direction of graphites - modern fast action graphites are so stiff that you have to overline a lot of them to get them to actually FISH. Vintage glass rods - especially those before the AFTTA line weight scale was...
  12. GungasUncle

    Fly tying and patterns sharing thread

    You have no Idea, Lon. I've been in the process of organizing/reorganizing - and adding to the mess. Just in *bass* flies I have 8 Plano 3500 size boxes, plus a couple normal fly boxes of streamers and bass flies, and they spill into other boxes yet. And of course I have half a dozen or so trout...
  13. GungasUncle

    Fly tying and patterns sharing thread

    Here's one more fly pattern - it's super simple, I came up with it to imitate a soft plastic Fluke type soft jerk bait. It's rabbit strip, with a dubbed body on the shank, tied on an EWG style worm hook: First time I fished it - I found out that Trout like them too:
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