Recent content by gfisher2003

  1. G

    What happened to all the big kings?

    I appreciate you starting such an interesting discussion @O. mykiss. I do think in my defense I've been fairly respectful, at the very least not calling people jackass lol. an interesting article on bycatch of salmon. They seem to be...
  2. G

    What happened to all the big kings?

    Can you please cite anything? Everything you say comes off like an opinion, at the very least link to the articles/reports/studies you mention. A measure of the percent of imports has nothing to do with the ecological effect of fishing, I found a similar report from the international trade...
  3. G

    What happened to all the big kings?

    Yeah, you make a fair point I was wrong, there are Asian salmon stocks in the sea of Japan. It still does not seem like the Sea of Japan is a major growth area, the sea of Japan is on the very very southern and western edge of salmons oceanic range. You still have not shown that any American...
  4. G

    What happened to all the big kings?

    Those are Japanese Chinook Salmon, not American ones. The full quote that you edited to suit your point says "In North America, Chinook salmon range from the Monterey Bay area of California to the Chukchi Sea area of Alaska. On the Asian coast, Chinook salmon occur from the Anadyr River area of...
  5. G

    What happened to all the big kings?

    By trend I mean you would have to demonstrate that the pursuit of salmon has been a sustained and rising effort, considering none of these articles mention salmon it is safe to assume they are not the target fish. I know that bycatch happens but it does not seem like you have evidence it is...
  6. G

    What happened to all the big kings?

    An article from the 80's is not really relevant in a discussion about today especially considering the changes in technology and monitoring over 35-ish years. The article about the Operation North Guard doesn't mention the number of ships anywhere just the number of violations so I don't know...
  7. G

    What happened to all the big kings?

    Neither of those sources talks about Alaska or salmon, they mainly focus on squid and south American forage fish. I'm not objecting to saying that China overfishes in general but in relation to salmon and Chinook in particular it does not seem like they do. None of the articles that you link...
  8. G

    What happened to all the big kings?

    It doesn't seem like there is much reason to believe foreign fisherman are taking Chinook salmon or salmon in general in quantities large enough to affect stocks. In the article you linked, the ship was carrying chum salmon, and I can't find any other evidence of this being anything but one of...
  9. G

    Hand-lining in Oregon . . .

    Hand lining isn't specifically mentioned in the regulations, but angling is defined in them as "To take or attempt to take fish for personal use using a hook and line. Also known as fishing" No mention of a pole so it is presumably legal under general regulations
  10. G

    Sixes River special rules?…

    I'm not sure about having to fish while moving but the landowner was definitely wrong in ownership rights to the water as if you could float a boat down it counts as navigable water, which anyone can be on below the high water mark. I have heard that in encounters like that the best move can be...
  11. G

    What do you think of this?

    I mean the stuff about bad genes and diseases in hatcheries are true. Hatchery fish are worse at living than wild fish are when they get out and spawn with wild fish they make the wild fish worse at living too. Hatcheries pack fish into tight spaces diseases get transferred more quickly and...
  12. G

    Flies for resident cutthroats in spring.

    Also even if that was evidence that the rivers are unrecoverable, that doesn't mean ODFW would treat it as such.
  13. G

    Flies for resident cutthroats in spring.

    West Willamette valley streams don't naturally have high amounts of anadromous fish in them.
  14. G

    Flies for resident cutthroats in spring.

    Do you have any evidence of that? Most streams that are closed during the winter are closed because of salmon and steelhead presence, to protect spawners as well as out-migrating smolts. The best example of that would be the middle Santiam and south Santiam, very similar ecosystems although the...
  15. G

    Lakes Green Peter Reservoir Fishing Reports 2021

    Do the chinook and kokanee go up the middle Santiam and quartzville?
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