Recent content by dudeone

  1. D

    Installing Transducer

    Get one of those white poly cutting boards at Bi Mart and cut asmall piece however big you need it and marine epoxy it to the hull no holes needed i did mine this way and its been on for 4 years without a problem, that way you can move it without drilling holes in the hull. Joe S was i talking...
  2. D

    What TV fishing show host would you like to fish with?

    Cindy Garrison fishing and hunting.:D
  3. D

    What's the best method for removing fish slime?

    I scrape the scales and slime off after i bonk it and bleed it right at the river works good.:cool:
  4. D

    Any steel around?

    as long as you are catching fish its always fun ! :D
  5. D

    Any steel around?

    good luck tomorrow! :cool: i might go sunday.
  6. D

    Any steel around?

    We were fishing above minam in a couple differrent spots Joesnuffy.They could be drinking on the job:D. The Imnaha opened up a new section its on the ODFW site in the fishing reports section for NE region.
  7. D

    Any steel around?

    we caught two just about like that one today and one was also missing pectoral fin. sorry i dont have a digital camera yet. my friend is a fish biologist in central oregon and he said sometimes they clip those fins to.
  8. D

    Any steel around?

  9. D

    Any steel around?

    thats not bad sounds like you did pretty good. how longs the hike in never been in there? my friend lives up off yarrington road up on top sometimes we hike down from his property one hell of a hike though about 1200 ft down tough for a fat guy.
  10. D

    Any steel around?

    Was it very crowded? Ithink im going on wed.depending on money situation.
  11. D

    Any steel around?

    yeah lots of people at the park they say there not doing to well. ive been going three times a week been doing pretty good, staying away from the people works for me.
  12. D

    Any steel around?

    been catching a couple a day when i go, up the river from minam. did real good today
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