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so people post pictures of their fish and sometimes i wonder if their stories are true. i dont know where to put this so i put it here in the river i fish. but you see these people i went out and got a fish right off the bat. really? every one fishes that hole and you show up and bam you get one? that doesn't sound right or true. i know its posible. but people only put pictures up of the fish they catch not how many times they have gone and not touched anything. lets use mike (dtikey or dtiky or how ever it is) as an example. not pickin on him or anything but he puts pictures up of fish and ya he catches a lot but how many times does he go out and not touch a thing. i know i have seen him with nothing. and i dont think i have ever seen him with a fish. any ways i dont know why im posting this i guess im just bored. rodeos over im hurtin and ready to fish. i might post pictures if i do any good i havent put pictures up lately.
Fishing Axiom: 10% of the peeps catch 90% of the fish.
i catch multiple fish EVERY TIME i go out! sucka:dance:
I know lots of people that are regulars out there such as myself who catch VERY consistently. And you must have never fished with mike... He is a slayer! Obviously it is fishing, not catching so even the best of us go home empty handed from time to time but I can speak for a lot of people out there that put their time in, figured out what works for them and very consistently catch fish. And yeah sometimes the "stories" may sound like an old fishermens tale but I defnitely believe them depending on the person posting it. I've been out their with the best and have seem some of these stories first hand amd most of the time they really aren't exaggerated.... For the most part.
why pick on me Joem I have had like 5 trips this year where I didn't touch a fish but thats not the piont.I stuck up for you couple months ago when people were giving you a hard time so dont single me out man not cool.And if you see me on the river with no fish probally because I handed it off or gave it away already or just didn't get one yet.No worries most of the time I will hook up and thats the bottom line.I fish with sevral people on here a lot like plumb to fish and bran man and they will vouche that 90% of the time im going to hook fish.Sorry to burst your pick on me bubble but thats the way it is.
I love this stuff...too funny.
By verbally attacking a solid fisherman, you have most likely lost an opportunity of learning what he/she knows.
Ask them personally before posting to everybody. May save a little face.
And not seeing me with fish man I have only seen you like twice on the river and guess what one of those times I walked down and hooked a steelhead and landed it on my first cast at the hatchery hole while you and your dad were anchored on the other side.Thats just if memory serves me right and pretty sure it does.I believe two many rivers was right below ya and they had a small steely before i got thier.Also why would you post if your not catching on a fishing forum if your not looking for advice.Seems pretty stupid should just be called fishing twitter then.Duh brag board!!!
If I was fishing that area, dtikey is the guy I would be trying to get some helpful info out of. I mean if your on the river and see two fisherman. One is nailing fish and the other isn't, which should you be talking to for advice? I had a buddy, now passed away, who I swear could pull a fish out of a swimming pool! Some just have the experience and talent that the rest of us strive for.
Wow, I have no idea where this can even come from...the guy mentioned has himself in the photo like 90% of the time and posts nearly every other day about caught fish, with photo proof. What's the deal with the OP here?

Me? Rather than harp on these people, I just watch, read and hopefully gain some insight, or at least some inspiration. And truth be told, I think that has helped me given my 12 months of skunk last year and this year I'm at 20+ hookups. Yeah, I caught nothing last two times out, but I'm not gonna cry about other successes I read about here.
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Joem I know a couple other guys that catch a fish or two damn near every time they hit the water also...
bran_man said:
I know lots of people that are regulars out there such as myself who catch VERY consistently. And you must have never fished with mike... He is a slayer! Obviously it is fishing, not catching so even the best of us go home empty handed from time to time but I can speak for a lot of people out there that put their time in, figured out what works for them and very consistently catch fish. And yeah sometimes the "stories" may sound like an old fishermens tale but I defnitely believe them depending on the person posting it. I've been out their with the best and have seem some of these stories first hand amd most of the time they really aren't exaggerated.... For the most part.

Thier was that one time Brandon when we fished Chile and we caught 1,248 chinook from the bank and they all were at least 73lbs and all were hens with perfect eggs but dont worry everyone we only took the eggs and then let the fish go.
I like how the title of his thread is "people" and then he calls out one person. lol Sounds like a bit of jealousy to me. I like your posts dtikey. Keep on posting them!
whoa whoa whoa. i wasn't tryin to be mean i was just usin you as an example. i know you catch a lot of fish. no hard feelings here. sorry for misunderstandings. and i know what works i have been the guy standing on the last jetty to hook (and land) the only fish of the night in the entire hole. not trying to pick on mike i respect him like i said i have seen him i know he puts in his time like one morning 5 o clock in the morning in 30 degree temps, i know he puts in time, and i respect him for that i was just using him as an example cause everyone kows him on here. i like your posts to. and im not jelous if i fished steelhead as much as him i would be up there with him but i have gone steelhead fishing maybe 10 times for summers this year and all but 2 were really early in the year. i hope you guys read this and understand i wasn't trying to single people out. because me and my dad are the guys that show up to the salmon hole and wack a fish or 2 right away. i know it happens all the time and i do it to people a lot and i usually feel bad about it. all it is is a change in presentation, size, smell, color, fresh fish, it could also be a mattter of a quater inch in any direction to wheather or not a fish bites. so mike im sorry i made you feel like i was picking on you but i wasn't trying to make it seem that way
rippin fish lips
joem said:
but i have gone steelhead fishing maybe 10 times for summers this year and all but 2 were really early in the year

I know you may not have the time.... but most of the people that are catching are fishing 2-4 times a week, and fishing at least 4 hours minimum. And the 10% of fishermen that catch on a consistant bases pay attention to where they stand, cast, hook up, and what time of the day, and the type of water they were fishing.

Last year, i was able to hook up quite a bit and land more then a few. This year... is a whole different story, 2 banked. One in march and one in early june. I have been hooking up on a consistant bases, just havent been able to stick em good, yes i have sharp hooks but it's called fishing.

I saw mike out there plenty of times last year, and a few times this year leaving the river empty handed. He is just a fishy dude, who has been fishing the system for a long time, he has experience in multiple rivers which allows him to be able to hook up in so many different locations.

Expereince on different rivers, Time (hours apon hours)... and countless days of being skunked, will reward you in hook ups in many locations.

I forgot to mention... the 10% that hook up on a consitant bases have figured out every pocket, ripple, seam, shoot in the holes that they fish (years and years and years) of fishing those same holes. And they don;t stop fishing those holes until they have casted at every pocket, seam, shoot, pool, riffle mutiple times.
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rippin fish lips said:
the 10% that hook up on a consitant bases have figured out every pocket, ripple, seam, shoot in the holes that they fish (years and years and years) of fishing those same holes. And they don;t stop fishing those holes until they have casted at every pocket, seam, shoot, pool, riffle mutiple times.

ya i know. im not jelous or wantin help. whammonds comment if you guys diddnt pick up on that one but im pretty sure it was directed at me haha. i didn't mean to make you guys think i have something against mike cause i dont.
Even if you are only off 5% in your set up as the guy who is consistently catching fish, he will still catch probably 10 to your 1.....I sometimes get frustrated when fishing with dtikey....unless we are nook fishing....the guy definitely knows how to catch metalheads....instead of calling him out, ask him what he is doing that you aren't
okay guys. im not here to pick on him. i can catch fish. i know where they hold my dad has fished this river his whole life, he knows a lot and catches a lot of fish and so do i and so does mike so back to the point here even the best have bad days. that was the only point of this. not to call out anyone, or to pick on anyone. and if you want to make fun of me ill give you guys some ammo to make fun of me for its fine, mike i am sorry if i made you feel bad.
Yeah that's not what irritated me though. Your original post just made it seem that you are accusing people who have taken the time to become good anglers and basically call not just mike, but all of us liars even when we have the pics to prove that we are doing well. And our (everyone's) pictures are not meant to rub it in other peoples faces, we are all just proud of ourselves in proving that our hard work and time out on the river to learn has paid off.
okay i never ment to call people liars. this was simply a psot about how even the best have days where they catch nothing. i used mike as an example because he is one of the best steelhead fisherman i have met. not trying to suck up here but this is a forum to help people and the new people on here should know that even the best of the best have bad days.
rippin fish lips
joem said:
okay i never ment to call people liars. this was simply a psot about how even the best have days where they catch nothing. i used mike as an example because he is one of the best steelhead fisherman i have met. not trying to suck up here but this is a forum to help people and the new people on here should know that even the best of the best have bad days.

^^This guy, lol. I think someone just needs to go out and fish and enjoy it even if you come home empty handed. You enjoy the day you get skunked, the next day will be the one.

Every one has bad days and some even have bad years. I'm not havin a bad year, im just havin a good hook up ratio this year and i am enjoying all of it.
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