Recent content by Contron

  1. C

    New pole breaks the streak

    Had a net at home, but never thought I would need it fishing for trout. Next time I'm bringing it no question! The rod made the fight way more fun though and I'm glad I caught the fish on it instead of my larger spinning rod.
  2. C

    New pole breaks the streak

    Bought a new trout pole at Cabela's yesterday and thought I should go test it out on the Willamette near campus. The pole was an ultra light Quantum with 6lb test. Worked through the majority of my smaller spinners and plugs with no luck, thinking I would end my day skunked. I wanted to try one...
  3. C

    Hello, a newcomer question - any good spot in Eugene?

    Welcome to the forum! I also prefer fishing the river to ABC and have spent the last couple years since I have been a student at U of O finding some good spots around campus. I have found this to be a pretty good stretch of water between the foot bridge and I5, but you have to watch the...
  4. C

    Steelhead fishing near Eugene

    Thanks for the tips on the locations! I have been riding my bike up and down those paths looking for some good water so that will help me with my search. Do you have any tips on how to catch them? Lately I have been spinning blue foxes, but I also float steelhead jigs under a slip bobber.
  5. C

    Steelhead fishing near Eugene

    Hey all, I have been hitting up the Willamette near U of O campus lately and been really successful spin fishing for trout. I'm looking to move on to bigger and better things as the season moves on and was wondering if anyone knows of some good steelhead spots around this area. I'm willing to...
  6. C

    Willamette River near U of O campus

    Thanks for the advice so far everyone! I saw that the area was only catch and release right now for another week. Went out there yesterday for a bit even though it was a little rainy and caught 2 small rainbows which was not a bad start. Gonna get some new tackle and get out there again soon!
  7. C

    Willamette River near U of O campus

    Hi everyone, I have been trying to get out and do some fishing lately as the weather has been improving and was wondering if anyone had information about fishing on the Willamette. I am looking to do a bit of spinner fishing around the campus and was wondering if anyone knew of some good lures...
  8. C

    Looking for tips

    Thanks a lot! hopefully I'll be able to have some luck out there!
  9. C

    Looking for tips

    Any tips for how to fish these spots? like what color yarns or bobbers to use?
  10. C

    Looking for tips

    I'm new to Steelhead fishing around the Eugene area and was wondering if anyone could lead me to a nearby spot to fish for some steelies in the upcoming months. I'm mostly going to be drift fishing, but will also take tips for floating bait or using spinners, anything helps! <°)))>{
  11. C

    Good camping/ fishing spot

    Thanks for the tips everyone! Awesome community on here that I can posted a thread and have multiple answers in just a few hours! I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to fish Green Peter for trout or any other species that might be more plentiful there
  12. C

    Good camping/ fishing spot

    Hey all, this is my first post on here but I have been utilizing the vasts quantities of knowledge on it for a while now. I'm posting because I wanted to see if anyone could point me in the direction of a good camping spot within 2 hours of the West Linn area that is fairy secluded and offers...
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