Yet another bad day on the water.

Over the last few weeks I have gotten quite a few backseat request by PM. I ended up with a list of 8 people I am willing to take out and I put them in the order in which I had received their PMs. I found out that I would have an open seat for Saturday so I started going down the list and calling people to see if they could go. The first 4 people I called could not go for one reason or another. No big deal it was kind of short notice so no hard feelings there maybe next time. Then I get to the 5th person and they say sure I can make it. So I send them all the info of where to meet, when, and how to get a hold of me if they had to cancel at the last minute. I said if something came up let me know, I would not be checking my PMs after 2:30pm on Friday but they could call me. I also said my phone would be off when I went to bed Friday night but I would turn it on at 4:30am Saturday morning.

Well as it turns out Friday night I had a family situation come up and to make a long story short I ended up not getting home till 1am Saturday morning and it was past 1:30 am before I got to bed. Since there is no way that I would just call and cancel a trip on someone on such short notice I went a head got my 3 hours of sleep and got up at 4:30am. I turned on the phone and there were no messages so I hooked up the boat and headed for the launch. I get there just before the 5am meet time and go ahead and launch the boat myself. I sit there and wait. 5:30 rolls around and two cars show up. Unfortunately, neither one was my backseater.:mad: I finally start calling the two number I have for the person and get a message on one number that “the person is not excepting calls at this time” and the other phone goes strait to voicemail.:mad: Wait around till 6am and then call again with the same results.:mad: Waited just a little longer and finally took off with no backseater.

First cast was at 6:30am just as the light hit the water on the place I was just sure I could get an early top water bite. Well 2 fish and a few blowups in the first 10 minutes on topwater in that spot and then the topwater bite was over for the day despite spending the next hour of trying. I sure wish I could have fished topwater on that spot at 5am as I had planned. I tossed a lipless for awhile and managed one more bass. Then switched to a speed trap and hit 3 more. I was tired and the wake boats were already coming out so I headed back to the launch and 9:30. So 6 fish for 3 hours of fishing, not great but considering how pi$$ed off I was and the fact that I was tired, I will take it.

Got back home and took a short nap before checking the computer. Looks like he sent me a PM despite telling him I would not check it but he never tried to call me.:mad:

I am going to take a break from fishing for awhile. After the last few trips it is obvious that God is trying to tell me something. I have one more trip already planned in two weeks and I will honor my commitment but after that I will likely just put the boat away for awhile.

For those of you that I have already PMed and said I will get you out don't fear I will honor that promise. It will just be pushed back awhile. Hey it may even get pushed back to the fall when the fishing picks back up.:)

And the person who left me waiting at the ramp was not from OFF.

Tight lines everyone.
Shame on them...

Shame on them...

I was so glad to read that the person who disrespected you so badly was not from OFF. Thank you for including that. That is a miserable way to spend what could have been a really enjoyable day. I hope you have better luck from here on,with both the fisher folk and the fish. I also hope the membership here realizes what a generous OFFer you have made so many times by OFFering your boat for their fishing enjoyment and do not take advantage of you. When the weather cools and Autofisher and I finish the work on the boat,you are more than welcome to join us on one of the lakes. It is too big to go into the Willy right now as I understand the water level is quite low. Don't give up on fishing,there are too many places that don't require a boat to walk away. And you sound like you are way too much of a fisherman to be away for too long.
Be safe.
Sorry to hear about that, some people just have no class! At least you did get into some fish though!! As a fisherman who does not own a boat I can't believe someone would pass up the opportunity to be able to go TO the fish!! I hope you future experiences are much more positive!! Fish on!
Raincatcher said:
I was so glad to read that the person who disrespected you so badly was not from OFF. Thank you for including that...
Be safe.

So far I have only fished with one person who I meet through OFF(Combat Chuck) and he was a great guy to fish with. Now I just need to get him out there when the fish are actually biting.:D
hey im on OFF ;)

bigfish, smallies usually still hittin in mid sept in salem?
Yes flippin I fished with you and you are on OFF but I met you though another site.:D Same with a few other OFF members.:cool:

Yes they are still hitting in Sept but the water level is what you have to watch out for. Pray for higher water by then or we can't get to the rocks.:pray:
Yeah we launched out of wallace on monday and we couldn't get to the areas we wanted to go to because of the lower water (we normally like to go fish the sloughs) so that was dissapointing, we managed a few fish around the bridge pillings but overall a slow day. probably the worst day on the river for us yet this year!

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