Yarnie chrome

Found out the river rascials not only like the "Chromer candy"with the yarnies but also using the "Jig tippers" on the yanies got some takers. Kinda makes like a tadpolly action when tipped on the yarnies. Just when the rivers gettin perty here comes the rain again. Looks like maybe a week till its fishable again :(.

nice fish, sweet rod and reel combo too :D

Thanx colbypearson. Ya wouldnt have it any other way on the reel rod combo. Have a guide freind of mine doing a test run on some baits that i have in the works for the kind of fish ya got in your avatar. Should have it up on my site here shortly. waitin for the water temps to warm a bit.
Gud job-nice fish-can't wait ta tryem here.But rivers high n flyin-alota rain.Got sum yarnies tied up n ready-jus waiting...

Thanks snapper slapper..... gotta love the name. ya just when the fishings heatin up the dang brown river yeti is back. hopfully the pockets will be packed with chrome after the brown river yeti is gone! . go gettum with the yarnies, guess Chris Vertopouls was on to somthing using um on his yarnies;) Thanks again snapper slapper
Nice fish: is that a rag with your yarnie and what's the tail,maybe you could tell us about the rig. please
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