Would my Rod work for Plunking

Troutier Bassier
Active member
I Have a Abu Garcia Ambasadur That is for 10-25Lbs line rigged up with a TON (Enough) 12# line. would this work for plunking for Steelhead or Jack???? Hopefully Sockeye
Abu Garcia Ambassadeurs are reels...
I have a Rod Reel Combo.
great REELS!... Stick it on a G-Loomis and you are set!!! Good Luck! should work great.....
i always just fish with what i got around... dont have the cash for all the rods!
I've plunked with a 20 dollar berkeley rod and reel combo from Wally World. Your stuff will be fine. Just set your drag right and you'll be good to go.
I got it from my friend, Its a rod/Reel combo that they sell at walmart for $70 Or something. The origonal red reel got sand in it so its in the shop so I put a Smaller left handed blue Abugarcia on it. Same rod though
I found out

I found out

Its a Abu Garcia CX3 Rod.
Cost $70 @ Walmart
lol not very commin do two people leave a comment on the same in at 5:12am i wouldnt think to many people are up...
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thats what ya get when you have to be at work at 6am.
That's what I figured. I have a evil mind. Hey Early bird gets the worm.
PDXKush said:
Hey Early bird gets the worm.

But crawlers come out at night... :lol:

Any rod that will handle enough weight should be fine if it can take the fish. If your rod can't handle 6 oz, just use a single sliding rig, so you have just a weight at the bottom of your mainline with a split shot 2 or so feet above it, then just chuck it out with your hand, then clip on your sliding rig.
I recon you'll look a bit strange throwing out a 6oz lead pyramid around a bunch of angry fisherman but I'm sure it will work...lol Never thought of that. I've got a pretty good arm but I'm thinking I'll let the rod do the work.

BTW - Been tossing 6 oz's on a rod rated for 1 3/4 oz's and It hasnt snapped yet. I've talked to guides who told me its fine. Dont take my word for it but just some food for thought.
Haha, I couldnt cast a couple split shots and a worm at salish ponds far enough (lack of casting skills on my first real fishing trip) once, so I just through it like a soft ball. :lol:

If your rod can handle a 3 lb shad without snapping out of the water, lifting it, I think it can take a cast of 6 oz.
Yeah, It can handle shad So I guess it will Handle Sockeyes.
Troutier Bassier said:
Yeah, It can handle shad So I guess it will Handle Sockeyes.

The sockeyes arent that much bigger here.
So in Prettymuch my rod will work.

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