Woodland Washington

A friend of mine was highly speaking of this place for the past month so I decided to take his advise and try fishing over there yesterday. My GOD! I'm a big fan of trout fishing and I've never fished for Salmon before, but if I have "any" chance to fish again, I'm going to Woodland Washington. I got my permit from a store (I think) called Fishermen Depot. It's a small store next to a gas station. Very nice Calzones at the station by the way...
Anyway we fished by the hatchery and I used the spinners I had special ordered at B.C Angler Post(thanks to Fishfinger's threads). After probably about 10 casts, I had my very first "Fish On" He was running down stream so was I, he was running up stream so was I... I was in water up to my chest (neoprene waders rock!), started walking back. Close to the bank, baam fell on my butt! Recovered quickly, with the help of one of my friends tightened the drag, and started reeling the fish in. After about 10 minutes of fight, it was a 25lb Salmon at the end of my line. My friend took a close look at it, and said it was hooked on the gill! Oh man! Bye bye fishy. I'll catch you next time...

Even if you don't catch any, if you have money for gas, just go to Woodland and see how those fish are jumping out of the water. I've never seen this many salmon in one place at the same time. Gorgeous!
Cool report...

Cool report...

Nice place to fish....my brother-in-law lives there. I had no Idea of the possibilities, I guess I should become better acquainted with him. Thanks for the heads up.

meluvtrout said:
A friend of mine was highly speaking of this place for the past month so I decided to take his advise and try fishing over there yesterday. My GOD! I'm a big fan of trout fishing and I've never fished for Salmon before, but if I have "any" chance to fish again, I'm going to Woodland Washington. I got my permit from a store (I think) called Fishermen Depot. It's a small store next to a gas station. Very nice Calzones at the station by the way...
Anyway we fished by the hatchery and I used the spinners I had special ordered at B.C Angler Post(thanks to Fishfinger's threads). After probably about 10 casts, I had my very first "Fish On" He was running down stream so was I, he was running up stream so was I... I was in water up to my chest (neoprene waders rock!), started walking back. Close to the bank, baam fell on my butt! Recovered quickly, with the help of one of my friends tightened the drag, and started reeling the fish in. After about 10 minutes of fight, it was a 25lb Salmon at the end of my line. My friend took a close look at it, and said it was hooked on the gill! Oh man! Bye bye fishy. I'll catch you next time...

Even if you don't catch any, if you have money for gas, just go to Woodland and see how those fish are jumping out of the water. I've never seen this many salmon in one place at the same time. Gorgeous!

Sounds like an amazing place, I know the feeling you experienced...those salmon are a tad bigger than trout, and a lot of fun to safely land.

What river were you on?
It's hoot isn't it.... Once salmon/ steelhead catchin' gets in your blood it's a hard act to follow. It's good you got it near the head and thus some control.

About three weeks ago I foul hooked a fatty hen near the tail. (Actually I think she was annoyed at the spinner and slapped at it so it's only partially my fault.) Anyhow, that fish screamed out line like crazy went straight up stream getting huge air the entire length of the drift; and then did the unthinkable. She turned tail (pun intended) and went down stream into seriously fast pocket water.

This was also the virgin outing for my newest spinning rod. I have pissed and moaned about how I hated my med action Lamiglass so I bought a med heavy and was just getting the feel for it when I unfortunately hooked his coho.

After maybe 20 minutes of slowly drawing it little by little towards the bank, I thought the end was in sight. She was almost to the shore and all I had to do was reach down and roll out the hook. So with the pole in one hand and pliers in the other I made the stretch only to have the fish bolt at the sight of me. I managed to get both hands on the rod when suddenly there was this explosion. At first I thought it was a gun shot (perhaps a .40) and I think the fellas over at hell hole thought so too; it was loud. I wished it had been a gun shot.

The real cause was much worse.

My "new rod" shattered just above the 4 guide. I couldn't quite believe what I was looking at.. Meanwhile the fatty wasn't done running and I stood there fighting this fish with 1/2 a pole watching the foot on the 4th guide bending away under the strain.

I had to change tactics and "play" the fatty out with just the reel. Luckily this happened after a 20 minute battle royal ( just about as long as this post.... hummm) so she was pretty spent. Lucky for me she didn't break my reel too.

I got my spinner back and she got her chance to lay eggs, bi mart made the exchange w/o a problem so everything worked out well, aside from having to hike the CC trail twice in one day; as my uggg med action lami was in the truck and there was still a few hours till sundown....

Salmon.... They are a rush.

Sometime over the next 4 to 5 months we should "hook up" and go get some big trout.... Steelhead sized.

They can be absolute freight trains!

Good to hear you got set up at BC's. I really like those guys and enjoy shopping there.

10 casts... There is honestly something about those spinners, I usually get my action quickly as though they swim to it and crush it; like a bass perhaps.

What spinner configuration did you use?
@meluvtrout: what method did you use? Drift or slow retrieve? thanks.
I keep implying that the WA rivers are hot, and full of fresh fish! I have yet to get skunked Salmon/Steel angling in Washington this year. A dozen or so trips, and over 30 retained fish since late May. Woodland, eh, must be on the Lewis, probably North fork, or East too, but I believe the North Fork is usually better fishing. Where did you end up swingin the Rattlers?
FreshMoneyFisher said:
Sounds like an amazing place, I know the feeling you experienced...those salmon are a tad bigger than trout, and a lot of fun to safely land.

What river were you on?

Wilson River, I think but I'm not sure cause I didn't drive. What's the river behind fishermen depot?

Edit: It's the Lewis River and the name of the Store is Fisherman's Depot

fishermen depot woodland wa - Google Maps
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nineeleven said:
@meluvtrout: what method did you use? Drift or slow retrieve? thanks.

slow retrieve.
FishFinger said:
Sometime over the next 4 to 5 months we should "hook up" and go get some big trout.... Steelhead sized.

What spinner configuration did you use?

I'm in bro, you name the date for steelies!

I'm attaching the spinners I used. The orange bell is the killer...
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I know that section all too well, unfortunately the link for me did not work... But I'm pretty sure that is waht the locals call Cedar Creek. I am pretty familiar with that particular stretch from a drift boat, and just down river from where you took the picture, is one of my favorite Steelhead side-drift slots on the Lewis. The fish push past the concrete launch early in the mornings, and at last light in that particualr Cedar Creek section. Fun drifts throughout for sure! When the water comes down enough, in the Winter, you can actually wade out pretty far to get your gear set into the far side slot...From there it is normally lights out fishing, but be careful, I have had to wade up to my stomach against pretty heavy current just to get a limit. Fun fighting fish in chest deep water, but probably not the best idea to ever get regurgitated from my brain.
Oh, yeah, fancy that...That is a decent picture that WDFW uses on the site. really shows the seams, and slots well. Now both links work fine, must have been a network problem in the dungeon I am calling home for right now...

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