Winterized steel anyone?

Hey all, I see that no one has started a thread on Tahoe Lake yet so I guess I just have to. A quaint little lake in the Trask Mountains. It has been told to me that the Trask hatchery, dumps all sorts of misfits in Tahoe Lake. I heard from two different sources that they even plant misguided steel in there! Just wondering if anyone is up for taking a closer look at this puddle? I know about where it is I think. I remember seeing signs for it last fall when I drove up the gravel on Trask River Rd.
Sounds like fun. Have you found it on google maps?
not on google maps. But I saw the sign for the lake on trask river rd. also have a forestry map of the Tillamook forest showing every road and pond up there and it is on that map.
Tahoe Lake

Tahoe Lake

Cool! Check the link to the Oregon fish Finder:

Oregon Fish Finder

Do a location search by clicking on same, select the NW ZONE by Seaside, then Tillamook County then scroll down and click on Tahoe Lake. Click on submit. Wahla! If you click on any three of the fish listed then look to the right and see the TOPO MAP of the area provided by Mapzone. Oddly, the Topomap link won't appear unless you click on one of the species.
I like what it said about UNKNOWN STEELHEAD. Right on FishTastic!:dance::clap::cool:

mapzone phhft

mapzone phhft

I tried clicking on the mapzone and found out I have to sunscribe to get the premium features. Phhftp!
Anyway, here's the map coords, all three systems in use. GoogleEarthed it and being 2 acres pretty small to spot.

45.3666°N 123.6496°W ..........decimil degrees

45° 21.91' N 123° 39.3' W ..........degrees & decimil minutes

45° 21' 54.49" N 123° 39' 18.22" W

Make of it what you will.

I did finally fish it. Found it one day during deer season. Not a bad place to wet a line. Not a lot of activity. If a person had some time on their hands they sure could find the magic combination. If anyone would like to get some members together and head up there for a day I think it would be fun.
foot access only? or can a jeep make it to it?
halibuthitman said:
foot access only? or can a jeep make it to it?

My Tacoma made it no problem though a Jeep would be ideal for tight turn arounds and such. 4x might be required once the snow begins to fall.
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