wilson river steelies

Hey all, went to the wilson the last two saturdays and had a blast. weekend before last I hooked and lost one fish behind the Forestry Center. This last weekend my friend took me to some new holes and Immediately upon arrival at the first hole around 7am I hooked and fought a nice fish for 3-4 minutes and then lost it. Went to the next hole down the road a 1/2 mile and immediately hooked and lost another fish. went on to some other holes and didn't get anything, came back to the last spot I hooked up and again hooked and lost another fish.

Went to the same hole this monday after work and immediately hooked and FINALY LANDED a beat up steelie? Pretty sure it was a steelhead, about 7-8 pounds, very dark, white mouth, adipose fin in place, had a beak like a chinook but no dark jaw line. I am calling it a steelhead though it may be something entirely different. It was fun and that is the reason for this posting is to let you know there are some fish in the river and they are biting and some fun can be had so get get ya some! :D

Anyone have any idea when some springers or summer steelhead will be arriving in the river system?
They are here already. I have not been skunked proper on the Wilson in months! I too have lost a few fish, and not landed any, but I always can get one to eat it seems! Nice work on finally landing one. Remember every single detail about where you hook fish. Chances are it was not a freak occurance. You most likely found holding areas. Nice!
I'm trying to find some new areas to fish on the wilson, i've never been really productive on that river which, is sad i know because i hear all the time how amazing it is, do you have any recommendations for productive areas to fish for steelies.
yeah...the whole river is loaded. Any place you can pull over is a great spot, and the harder it is to get to the water the better the hole usually is! just start scouting each and every possible access from the South Fork Prison camp to the ocean, if you sneak up keeping low and behind rocks or trees you can usually see fish in the holes, once they see you the scatter.

good luck.
Hey bro next time you head out to the Wilson you should shoot me a PM. I love the Wilson but don't fish it nearly enough. What have you been using up there?
I will for sure. I have been using a green corkie and a number 4 hook. and a orange corkie with a number 2 hook. both have been working fantastic. lately the fish are all really dark so I am holding off for a bit in hopes that fresh metal will move up.

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