Wilson River Monday!!

Nice day, not many people on the river today. Caught my first Wilson Winter Steelhead on an egg-sucking leech. Just below Jones Creek and up-river from the Footbridge.
Great job. Nothing better than steelhead on a fly. Were you swinging or dead drifting? The purple egg sucking leech is my go to steelhead fly in the valley.
Swinging. Nice soft water, with a bit bump to it, about 4ft. deep.

Started out with weights on the line. Kept snagging on the bottom. Removed the weights, since my fly had some weight built into it, I decided to just drift it through the run. I could feel the fly bumping off the bottom after removing the split-shot, so just kept my set-up like that.

Thanks for all the positive feedback, everyone.
That’s awesome! i went out to cedar creek and got skunk like always but I wasn’t alone just like many others that were there but i did see one other person caught one though boosted my confidence a bit and then it went down the drain :)
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