Wilson River 11/1/09

Well-known member
Headed back out to the Wilson today. Was trying to get out there early so I could meet up with some members from this site. Well ended up staying up way too late last night and didn't get out there till about 12:30 or so. Hit up my favorite hole, I went 1/2 and my girlfriend hooked one in the tail and it almost spooled her. It was her first experience with Salmon. She's hooked even though the fight didn't last to long. The one I landed was a nice bright fish. It got itself all wrapped up in my leader so I didn't want to stress the fish anymore by taking it out of the water for pics, but I did get a few of it in the water.

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Nice! I like that pic of the fish swimming away from you you should put that in the Photo contest!:clap:
Thanks that's actually two seperate pics. It's weird how they like blended together to make it look like one pic. That thing got so wrapped up in my line! Took like 5 min to get all the line off of him. The jerk bit me too! He tried to go belly up but luckily with a little reviving from me he swam quickly away. Think I'm going back out there tomorrow. There's a lot of fish in there right now.
Nice. Call me next time.
I think I might be going back out tomorrow if you interested?
Nice fish & nice pix! :clap:
Glad you had some luck dude. Me and a friend went to the guide shop hole, had a few bites but no commitments so no hook sets. Wish i could go with ya'll tomorrow but i dont have a sitter (and im flat broke until the 10th now).
Hot on the Wilson

Hot on the Wilson

Way to go Beaverfan!

It's nice to see the river is coming back into prime shape. If anyone can get there today or tomorrow you should have great fishing. I was there Saturday while it was rising and had zero luck. Spent most of the morning driving between rivers but they were all high.

Nice job Beaverfan!:yay::yay:

The Wilson was great. It was nice to get out and get to some water that I've been wanting to fish. Checked out quite a few holes yesterday. The fish are in there. Just as stubborn as always though. Was told yesterday that the nooks don't go above Jones Creek...... Is that true?
I was there Saturday morning and it was high, fast, and muddy, it looks like a completely different river from what I saw Saturday and the pics you posted.
Very nice fish and great pics thanks.:)
Nice fish and great pics! :clap::clap:
You must be a serious beaverfan with all that orange you wear:D Nice lay out of pictures. Nice color on the fish. Crazy beak too!:lol: I am going to do recon on the Wilson tomorrow with my two babies and see what I can find while the water is still clear:dance::dance:
Went back out there this afternoon. Couldn't find many fish, did get another one to the bank though.
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