
Anyone ever have luck using a plug cut herring up near oregon city? If so can you do it while anchored or shall i continue trolling with diver and prawn
Wish I could answer this one for ya but I myself don't know for sure. I have heard of people doing that though and having luck with it I just haven't but that would be because I don't have a boat :lol:
I wouldn't see why you wouldn't have luck with it though.

I know i use plug cut hearing around the sellwood bridge and right in front of the spegette factory dont know about up river but I would give it a try good luck
Springers will eat a herring from now till around august 15 when they close the season on the santiams. It is pure unadulterated nonsense that at a certain point in the river that springers stop smashing herring. I've had fish absolutely smash a herring back trolled on a jet diver in the channel in front of meldrum bar. The fish in my avatar took a herring 290 river miles from B10. Just remember that the fish this year are wanting something trolled just slightly faster than the current, weather it be prawns, herring, or whatever. Good luck!
Kodiak said:
Springers will eat a herring from now till around august 15 when they close the season on the santiams. It is pure unadulterated nonsense that at a certain point in the river that springers stop smashing herring. I've had fish absolutely smash a herring back trolled on a jet diver in the channel in front of meldrum bar. The fish in my avatar took a herring 290 river miles from B10. Just remember that the fish this year are wanting something trolled just slightly faster than the current, weather it be prawns, herring, or whatever. Good luck!

So, you're saying that I should troll "up-stream" just slightly?
does herring work as good if im anchored using lead off the bottom or diver while anchored i havent mastered the troll i have a 9.9 kicker and can't get it to go as slow as i would like
dude young said:
So, you're saying that I should troll "up-stream" just slightly?

No, with the current. just fast enough to make it do its thing, which is slightly faster than the current.

does herring work as good if im anchored using lead off the bottom or diver while anchored i havent mastered the troll i have a 9.9 kicker and can't get it to go as slow as i would like

It has it's moments anchored but mucho better trolled. I would suggest pulling a couple of buckets, a car, whatever you gotta do to slow down, but troll....then troll some more, then make another pass.
hey kodiak
when do you think they will get in the newberg area of the willie? my thinking is closer to may...
137 came over the day before yesterday. It takes 6-8 days to reach the boat ramp at jefferson. I would say tomarrow there will be fish there, should be fish there everyday now through end of june-to mid july.
ty... i appreciate it
Try to plqy with the idle adustments and maybe even the other one that you use to gun in higher altitiude. after tuning my motor for crescent it runs better down here. I have a 15 and with the idle adjusted low it trolls my 12'er just fine so you should be able to do it with the 9.9 I had one before my 15. if not drag that car.

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