willamette today

I floated from D street to Alton Baker, we caught about 20 all together, a couple big native bows 4 or 5 cutts and the rest were pellet heads.

water temp was about right, the water was fairly high, some spots were unfishable.
Nice job- sounds like fun!
I didn't even know there were trout in the willy. Thats why I love this site, I learn somethin new everyday.
Everything is in the Willamette, Salmon, Steelhead, Pikeminnow, Carp, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Rainbow + Cutthroat Trout, Suckerfish, Channel Catfish, White Catfish (well atleast in the Tualitan River), Mud Catfish, White Sturgeon, Peamouth Chub, Redside Shiner, Yellow Perch, Bluegill, Crappie, Redear Sunfish, Pumpkinseed, Sculpin
don't forget the redband trout!
When are the summer steel gonna start moving up this neck of the woods?
Boywhofishes said:
don't forget the redband trout!

:) Well if you really do want to get into depth about this,

I just ran across a list of fish in the Willamette (I couldn't see the Redband Trout, but I would think they are in there because of the Santiam.)

Some are listed as Absent (they don't exist in the Willamette anymore, just like the redear sunfish)

It is a PDF file, Scroll down to the bottom and it is the huge list on the right side.

:lol::confused::lol: I would have never thought there were so many species in the Willamette, TENCH :shock:, I have only heard of Tench being from Europe. By the looks of this list, I am gonna have a lot of researching to do.
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We catch Tench slowly sidedrifting for lazy Summers down low in the Willy. They alwys come off of nasty weed snags, and we never feel the bite, unlike Carp, and Pikeminnow. Some often mistake Tench for Carp, but they are slimey as any fish in the river, and have very wide tail sections. Probably why they actually fight half decent on light Steelhead gear.
If you really want to have fun in the Willamette, when it get nice and warm and the water drops, wade out off "d" Street and pot hole fish. We used to do that and got 1 or 2 nice trout per hole. It was a blast and we kept cool on a hot day. We also ran into a time when we got into the catfish hot and heavy off "D" Street. As fast as we reeled them in we had another, and they were good sized. We have never ran into that again. An old timer told us the migrate up and down the river and if you can find them the fishing can't be beat. Ah the memories of caught long ago are great. Tight Lines, Dan:clap:
qwapaw said:
If you really want to have fun in the Willamette, when it get nice and warm and the water drops, wade out off "d" Street and pot hole fish. We used to do that and got 1 or 2 nice trout per hole. It was a blast and we kept cool on a hot day. We also ran into a time when we got into the catfish hot and heavy off "D" Street. As fast as we reeled them in we had another, and they were good sized. We have never ran into that again. An old timer told us the migrate up and down the river and if you can find them the fishing can't be beat. Ah the memories of caught long ago are great. Tight Lines, Dan:clap:
I fish the river quite a bit down by D st. Do you fish by that cage in the water?
Drew9870 said:
:) Well if you really do want to get into depth about this,

I just ran across a list of fish in the Willamette (I couldn't see the Redband Trout, but I would think they are in there because of the Santiam.)

Some are listed as Absent (they don't exist in the Willamette anymore, just like the redear sunfish)

It is a PDF file, Scroll down to the bottom and it is the huge list on the right side.

:lol::confused::lol: I would have never thought there were so many species in the Willamette, TENCH :shock:, I have only heard of Tench being from Europe. By the looks of this list, I am gonna have a lot of researching to do.

All the fish listed aren't neccesariliy in the willamette. They are talking about the willamette basin. So some are in the lakes and ponds and others are in the tributaries.
Most (if not all) of the fish that are listed in the lakes or tribs are listed as absent (meaning they are absent from the Main River). I believe that when they say Mainstem Abundance and Mainstem Location, they are refering the the Mainstem of the Willamette River (the Main River itself).

Bfishin said:
I fish the river quite a bit down by D st. Do you fish by that cage in the water?

Are you talking about behind the Cannery?
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Drew9870 said:
Most (if not all) of the fish that are listed in the lakes or tribs are listed as absent (meaning they are absent from the Main River). I believe that when they say Mainstem Abundance and Mainstem Location, they are refering the the Mainstem of the Willamette River (the Main River itself).

Are you talking about behind the Cannery?

I believe when it says absent the is no longer a population of that species but that's just how I read the chart. As for the cannery? If you notice the people talking about the spots on the willamette live in eugene/springfield and you live in north salem so to your question. Different part of the river all together.
Thuggin4Life said:
As for the cannery? If you notice the people talking about the spots on the willamette live in eugene/springfield and you live in north salem so to your question. Different part of the river all together.

Ok I figured......

Just because the only way to get behind the cannery is to walk through the building, or by boat which wouldn't be easy. It is also right where D St ends (In Salem).
PELLET HEADS, thats great! :lol:
I live up by Canby. What is legal to take home as far as trout? Is everything in season right now? Is trolling a good way to go?
Check the regs. Its different everywher even walking under a bridge can change the rules. trolling is the best with a flasher and a worm.

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