Wickiup success

Nice catch guys. I know Bfishin and Thuggin were over there with minimal success. I will let them tell you how they did though.
So we got up there kinda late Friday. Didn't have enough much time to explore the Davis arm and find a nice camp site having never been up there before. Following TTFishon's advice we found a suitable site with a boat ramp and not many neighbors. While we were setting up camp we noticed several fish jumping right out in front of camp in our little finger of the arm. Manage to get some poles in the water and proceeded to set up camp. After camping was set up we headed out in search of wood. Filled the boat up with firewood and called it good for the night after unloading the wood and launching the boat. I was hoping to get a better idea of what the lake looked like but it didn't happen. We forgot oil or butter so I went to a neighboring camp and traded 2 beers and a slab of steelhead for a cup of oil. The guys seem like the didn't like me coming in their camp and even though I thought the trade was a far better deal for them. Proceeded to cook up a nice dinner and catch a buzz before setting the alarm for 4 am and going to bed. Got in the boat around 4:30 and started fishing the arm around 5 after we found where it took off to the lake. Seen many boats on the beach and only encountered 1 fishing boat as we trolled out the arm and into the lake. Only then did I realize how big the arm was and the abundant waterfront camping. After trolling out the arm and trolling down the west side of the lake the wind picked up a little bit but not much. trolled the south side of the lake when we noticed fish jumping behind the boat. Killed the motor and started casting lures. BFishing hooked up on his first cast and didn't realize the size of the fish until it got to the boat and decide it didn't want nothing to do with it. After the fish settle down we netted it and pulled tape and weighed it. 20.5" and just shy of 3lbs. Soon after my brother hooked into another fish in the same category as the first. After getting it to the boat and getting a quick view of the fish he lost it. Nothing else happened so we started trolling the bank the same way we had been going. Out of no where the wind picked up and made it hard to fish. Knowing Wickiup's reputation we turned around. fishing soon became impossible so we battled the waves for a while. Decided to play it safe and beach the boat for a while in a spot where it was protected from the wind instead of battling the wind and waves straight across the lake towards he arm. Made a fire and ate some food in this protected area and watched the lake. The wind didn't die down too much but we decided to head back out after a while. After a ruff battle we reached the west side of the lake and the wind died down a bit. Started trolling up and down that side of the lake. All of a sudden my rod got hammered hard. Picked it up and gave it a pull and felt a very large fish on the end. Killed the motor and started fighting it. BFishin seen it jump broadside and I managed to see a huge splash about a 250 feet behind the boat. After that with the wind blowing me towards the fish I had a hard time keeping the line tight and the fish popped OFF. After retrieving my rapala i noticed several large scale embedded on the hooks. This fish was probably a 10lb plus sized brown! Without any more luck we headed back into the arm and back to camp. All three of us managed to hang up an this @#*%#$%'s boat as he cut across were we were trolling. Got the rapalas back and I had to respool but managed to get some information and some fishing stories out of them. Two friendly old guys and one had a hook hand turned out to be the friendliest people we talked to the whole trip. Had a close encounter with the law coming back up the arm but didn't get stopped for anything. After eating lunch we took the boat trailer out and got way more wood than we need. And broke one of the lights breaking the wood into fire sized pieces. Headed back out for the evening fish around 5. Managed to catch a 14" brown in the arm right in front of the guys camp the almost made our trip a bad one. On the way back to camp we almost got lost in the dark and were by far the last boat out. Made a nice big fire and made some dinner and got wasted before setting the alarm for 4 and passing out. Woke up late but manage to get the boat out by 5 and fishing by 5:15 on Sunday. Didn't get any luck but seen small kokanee jumping near shore and on the way back we trolled out in the middle to take a look at the all the boats and see what was going on. The was almost no wind to speak of Sunday and the water was like glass most of the time we were out there. Seen many kokanee jumping all around us but didn't have time to mess with them. I new it was gonna be a close call on gas as all I have is a 3 gallon tank that i get about 3 1/2 gallons in full. Also i brought another gallon and added it after the first trip out Saturday. Ran out of gas as we rounded the part of the arm were it opens up and turned straight towards or little arm we camped up. There was a little bit of gas in the corner of the tank so i put a swivel in the intake of the hose and squeezed the last bit of gas in the motor. We made it passed the island and had to oar the last little bit to our camp. Made lunch and broke down camp at the same time and that was it for us. Even will the low fish kills the trip was by far the best trip I have done this year and can't wait to get back up there now that I have more knowledge than I had when I left which was slim to none. Pictures will be posted tomorrow after I get back from road crew. Oh and after using the swivel seats I put in my boat for the first time it feels like I traded in my Buick and bought a Mercedes. Thanks to everyone who helped out and gave me information on this lake.
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Sounds like a good camping trip to me. Are you going to make another Wickiup trip?
hey Thuggin'

thank ya kindly for the details
sounds like you had a sik time up there
makes me jealous, used to camp all over that area as a kid

did you get a pic of that brown?

If you are referring to the one that got away than no. But I did get pics of the ones boated and some nice pics of the trip. Friday night-Saturday morning
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Camp Saturday afternoon
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Saturday evening cell phone pic-Sunday morning
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damn, man you got some great shots from the lake
at least of handful of those are str8 up post card quality
should think of blowin' a couple up and framin' 'em

look like you guys had a great time

damn now i want to go back up to wickiup
bro in law and i been tossin around ideas from olalla creek res to diamond lake
hmmm, yeah think we gonna havta hit diamond lake now while its bangin' then ride out to the cascades when it get just a little warmer :think:
Thuggin4Life said:
Saturday evening cell phone pic-Sunday morning

Great pics dude. I have a ton of wickiup pics and you probably will too by the time you're my age.
Thanks guys. After then yearly Hills Creek trip I'm gonna try to get back up the mountian. Don't think I'll do Crescent again until the other lakes are closed.
I am thinkin we need to hit up Daimond lake soon son.
FishSlayer420 said:
I am thinkin we need to hit up Daimond lake soon son.
Oh ya buddy. We'll hit it up aand hopefully do good. It should be fun. I'm thinking late summer
Man I need to move to Oregon. Orange County gets boring...
I recently took a trip from Boise, ID to Wickiup Reservoir, OR and found the scenery to be amazing. The lake was beautiful and so where the mountains. I have spent some time in that portion of Oregon but never made it to the lake. It seemed like we missed the good fishing action by only a week or two and it was amazing how quickly the wind came up on the lake. We really enjoyed ourselves on the lake and was shocked at the change in bottom depth threw out the lake. We are hoping to make it back soon and hopefully have better luck. Great pics too!
Great eye, you have quite a talent

Great eye, you have quite a talent

Hope you can go to school for your photography. Thousands can take pictures but few can catch the moment as you have. Nice artwork.
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