why I can't sleep

Well-known member
Today has been an amazing day, got out of bed, made my coffee and started cruzin craigslist for flyrods float tubes down riggers, you know, crap I already have. And then there it is.... must be a mistake, barely used sage 686 6# SFL
I race over there nailing the first cash machine in sight and win the day. So whats the big deal? I just bought the 2200 flyrod sage ever built ( they build 50-60 thousand a year ) and even more important it is one of the few glass rods they built in 1981-1982. and it has never been to water. and its mine now. I think I might walk down to the park and cast it, I can't wait to feel that undescribeable action, slow smooth and even... man glass is where its at. and now I have the grandfather of the RP which changed flyfishing ...........:shock:forever.


:dance::dance:Quite the coo, :clap::clap:, now if you can just make a few cast to see how it is - and catch an accidental HAWG in the process...good luck and again congratulations...
Not to steal the thread, but a few years a friend of mine found a virgin Fenwick Glass spinning rod still in the orig. sock and triangle tube; the brown ones...I took it to a rod builder I know and he removed the original wire guides and replaced them with the newer ceramic Fugi guides with original Fenwick thread to match the rod, for braided line and it is my go to bobber rod, like you said - glass is where it is at...amazing stuff. Now I have two fly rods (5 wt and 6 wt.) and a 7' spinning rod in the glass, life is truely good.



No worrys, talking about old flyrods is like discussing great books, helps us remember the new ones are here becouse the old ones were there.
Casted the Rod at 3am at the park but a cop thought I must have been the famous school flyrod burgler cause he told me to go home...... D*@% :mad:
Ah but he's just doing his job. I had a lamiglass with the sage nickel coated guides, and really liked it but this rod makes that feel like a kia..... and its a cadillac!
Three rods...

Three rods...

Of my three fly rods, I find myself using the old Fenwicks over the Graphite..like you said -"man glass is where its at" . That says it all...



I really like those 70s era fenwicks, Had a 6 wt when I was a kid we called the "chain saw " cause it cut down a lot of tree branches! I guess when I say glass is where its at definitely only pertains to the good blanks, otherwise its like casting a cb ariel... 5-6-7 wts are ideal anything bigger or smaller you can't beat a graphite. My buddy says Im kind of the Bob Dylan of flyfishing, not always pretty, sometimes quite edgy, but eloquent in its own way... not sure if its a compliment or a jab, you would think I would be exellent after 25+ years but Im not.:confused:
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