Who would I call??

I go to a few diff spots to bank fish and there is none of the yellow reg tags on the trees or anywhere that explain regs and new way to measure fish and new size..I know the regs myself but it would help the people that dont and also give them no excuses......So who would I call to get some to hang myself or to have them come out and put some up..? I see them at most if not all ramps when you load your boat but very few at high traffic bank spots..
stonesworth said:
I go to a few diff spots to bank fish and there is none of the yellow reg tags on the trees or anywhere that explain regs and new way to measure fish and new size..I know the regs myself but it would help the people that dont and also give them no excuses......So who would I call to get some to hang myself or to have them come out and put some up..? I see them at most if not all ramps when you load your boat but very few at high traffic bank spots..

i would try odfw,,,itried once but was no help,,,,i was flyfishing on the north santiam for about a half hour then this lady walks out on her deck about eighth mile away and yells you can't fish there,,,,thats some kind of spawning bed...which it is obviously not lots of people fish there....so i called and asked the same thing letting them know maybe to try and mark those off limit areas and they said they would check into it,,,havnt seen a sign or heard anything....
well she might have meant on principle,.... as a rule it is wrong to fish a spawning bed or cast to fish gettin it on in their redds... but it is just a gentelmans deal.. not the law. Stones be careful, posting anything such as a no tresspassing sign or fishing regs on property you do not own is a crime with a suprisingly stout fine... make sure odfw knows you are posting it... good idea though, they may hand you signs over the counter at the regional office.:cool:
halibuthitman said:
well she might have meant on principle,.... as a rule it is wrong to fish a spawning bed or cast to fish gettin it on in their redds... but it is just a gentelmans deal.. not the law. Stones be careful, posting anything such as a no tresspassing sign or fishing regs on property you do not own is a crime with a suprisingly stout fine... make sure odfw knows you are posting it... good idea though, they may hand you signs over the counter at the regional office.:cool:

Cool I will call them and see if they will put some up ..Just seems like if they post the regs at the ramps so people know the new rules and way to measure that they also would at the known bank spots as well..They do for salmon at most bank spots but not for sturgeon.. And ya no tresspassing signs would be nice, have the spots to myself just move my sign around from spot to spot..HAHA JK .
halibuthitman said:
well she might have meant on principle,.... as a rule it is wrong to fish a spawning bed or cast to fish gettin it on in their redds... but it is just a gentelmans deal.. not the law. Stones be careful, posting anything such as a no tresspassing sign or fishing regs on property you do not own is a crime with a suprisingly stout fine... make sure odfw knows you are posting it... good idea though, they may hand you signs over the counter at the regional office.:cool:

yea i know she was polite about about it,,,,i just didn't see any spawning or anything goin on,,,if i do i just move on i dont disturb them.

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