What to look for

Hello, I landed in Portland yesterday and hit up the Wilson past Jordan Creek. Using spinners but only caught one small salmon (I think). Had it adipose fin so I got it back in the water as quick as I could.

If if y’all could help me with what kind of water to look for and if spinners are the right lure to use this time of year? I will be here all week but only have after 3:30 ok to fish.
Darkly colored spinners work VERY well; this time of year. Think brass, then use a marker to blacken them up. Look for sharp drop OFF's, and toss your OFFering upstream. Let it drop into the pocket. Then SLOWLY retrieve it, along the bottom. If you don't lose a few...it's not deep enough. VERY effective, on dark/overcast/foggy/drizzly days.
My first post was a little rushed so here is what I have done so far.

Landed Sunday mid morning, brought my reel with meal I picked up a pole, 4 spinners at fisherman’s marine.

Now correct me me if I am wrong but I’m the Wilson I can only fish below Jordan Creek Crossing? So Sunday I started a little ways down from Jordan’s crossing and worked every turn off that had slower moving water. Ended up in the best spot I had found yet but it was late and couldn’t fish for long.

Today I went almost to Tillamook, just before the Mountians stopped and worked my way back at every promising spot but it seems the river gets wide and shallow so probably fished 6-7 different spots but none where anything as promising as the last spot on Sunday. So I made a quick run to that spot and fished it. Realized that even though the current was really slow my #5 spinner was to light to keep it close to the bottom.

So so tomorrow I am going to run by Sportmans Warehouse and pick up some round sinkers and 3- way swivels to help me get to the bottom and hit that spot all evening

Tony, thanks for he advice I just wasent sure if I could fish the area you talked about due to the Jordan’s crossing rule.

Thanks to everybody else too for he advice on the spinners
Cwbrown;n607986 said:
So so tomorrow I am going to run by Sportmans Warehouse and pick up some round sinkers and 3- way swivels to help me get to the bottom and hit that spot all evening

Perhaps I am mistaken, but I think that there may be...some special legal requirement, regarding the length of the leader--between lure & added weights. I tried to find that information, last night, in a hard copy of the regs. But couldn't anything in either the NW zone regs, or the special regs (per body of water--for Wilson). And each stream, can vary on specific regs.

Am I OFF track here? Fellow OFFers, what say ye?
This is what I found, looks like I have to tie the weight at least 18 inches above the lure


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Went today with weights,bobbers and eggs in tow. Tossed spinners in the deep pool with and without weight above the spinner for an hour with no luck.

Swapped out to the bobber with eggs and a 1 once weight above the hook. I was able to get 30-45 minutes with this set up. At first I had the bait deep but it would start hitting bottom halfway through the drift. I shortened it up but with no luck.

I can see the chinook rolling and hitting the top of the water so I know they are there i just need them to take a bite.

What other kinds of bait can I use, I am sure they see the eggs I got from sportsman’s all the time?

also would anybody know of a kid who needs a roof and some tackle?
Take the roof and tackle to a local pond and give it to a youngster that looks like that he/she maybe a future OFF'er. Have a safe trip to wherever. Tony
Thanks Tony, I still have two more days in Portland I just wanted to get a game plan so I don’t end up just leaving the rod and tackle in the hotel room
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