What tags did you draw?

Well, who's hunting what and where? I totally lucked out here. In my first time applying for it I drew my SW Cascades Elk muzzleloader tag :yay: Needless to say, I'm stoked :lol: So what did the rest of you get?
I got a Ukiah controlled spike tag. Hunted the general season last year (which is the week after the controlled hunt) and saw some elk, but no spikes. Turns out a bunch were shot the week before. So, now I will be there a week before, with a working knowledge of where I want to hunt. Got it with 0 points AND as my alternate, so I still get a point! Woo Hoo!

I am buying a new freezer this year, fo-shiz.
I drew the 615 Willamette tag, which for those who don't know, is a 5 month season, rifle, bow, or muzzle loader, and is good for one deer....any deer. I'm hoping this guy sticks around for a few more weeks;):cool: buck1.jpg
thats gonna be a nice buck come september... stoked for ya:D I drew a yakima/ bumping or bethel... not sure, my bro put us in, archery branch antler bull. Last time we drew we passed on 14 bulls before my bro drilled a 380 bull at ten yards.. very callable elk.. even better than idaho:D
I only drew Columbia Basin buck deer. I put in for elk in a few locations, antlerless deer in a few locations and buck deer in the Heppner unit and in the Columbia basin. I plan on getting second season elk tags.

I tried for 615 too, didn't get. Next year, I hope. I want to try hunting the river isles from the sled.
i put in for the santiam unit cow hunt ( 2 months long ) maybe the reason i didn't get it is because they only gave 17 tags i think it was last year, but ive missed it 4 yrs in a row, maybe next year, i guess ill just bow hunt the general season this year, to many idiots out during the western oregon rifle seasons. good luck everyone, Brian
Buck Deer, Heppner...
Steens!! Most likely the last year I'll be puting in for this tag. The government is selling large parcels of land around fish lake and the wind generaters will be going in this next year..... Nothing like ruining one of the most amazing places in Oregon....
I drew nothing ...but will rely on the usual LOP tag for bucks in Columbia Basin;)
The land I manage has 6 LOP tags that a local guy gets because he does all my fencing for me. And I have a lot of fencing that is in need of constant attention. The fencing guy always gives me bags of deer or elk meat at the end of the season anyway, which is enough for me. One of these days, I will get to shoot my own deer or elk.
Real Men Throw Sticks!!!!!!!
I wouldn't mind throwing a stick too. I have shot archery before but do not have a compound bow and have never shot at anything but haybails and targets. Maybe in the future.
I Got the same old tags as every year for the last 30 lol Fossil unit Deer and Elk and I always get my bear and cat tags .
I have hunted that unit off and on for the past 30 years , have hunted Troy 1 year and Black Mountain a few times but always go back to the old stompen grounds .
Is there anyone els that hunts that unit? if so what part?
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