What suggestions for line for my reel for sturgeon fishing?

Just want to know what you guys are using for line and what pound test?
i used braided dacron back in the day, but i can't remember what lb test
50-80lb braid for main line
50lb Big Game Mono to 120lb Tuff Line leader, or 120lb Tuff Line/PowerPro mainline.

Brandon, I always feel like 50lb Braid is light for Chinook lol, I'm bumpin my Carp rod up to 65lb for float and spinner fishing, all it takes is one tough swift jerk to break thin braid.
If you are fishing out of a boat I use 80# tuff-line with 120# dacron leader. If fishing off the bank I use 30# mono.
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I use 30lb braid for my main line. The rod I am using is a salmon rod (20-50lb Berkley Buzz Ramsey XH) which partly explains it. However, the main reason I went with 30lb is that the thinner the line, the less drag the current creates on the line and the more sensitive you are. Also, the rod I have is 8'6" so it provides a good cushion even with little line out. I would not fish 30lb on a 6' rod.
you guys know that sturgeon can't break the mono line down very well.......
Apparantly they dont break down braid very well either; a few weeks ago I caught one that had about a foot of braid leader coming out of it's vent. I hate to think where the hook was, I cut the leader close to his butt so it wouldn't get snagged on something.
I use 50# Power Pro and 120# dacron leaders but I also am using my salmon rods for sturgeon. Never had a problem from a boat fishing from the bank I'm not sure.

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