What size hooks are you guys using on your Power Eggs???

I think I might be running a bit small on the hook size. I've been rigging up #14's and #16's. Should I be more in the #12 or even #10 range?
Everyone has there own preference. I personally use #6 or #8, because I moslty release the trout and using small hooks I have a harder time getting the hooks out.
C&R is my objective too and, like you mentioned, it's hard to get a #14 or #16 our of their lip. I'm trying a new idea (at least new to me) tomorrow called a hair rig. I got a bait hook from a guy in Great Britain and the idea is to pull the tail of the hair rig through the Power Egg then insert a bait stop to hold it in place. I'll go barbless on the hooks to make it easier to get them out. We'll see.
I've used mostly a #6 with 2-3 eggs. It's light enough for the eggs to float it up OFF the bottom and gives the option to use different colors.

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