what is the sweetest, badest a@%, best quality....

hi all, im new here and will be moving to the portland area around march. Im from Minnesota and our boats, the fish, the waters, and our gear, are about 100% different then in oregon. it really has me excitedly curious, but also sad and confused. so i will be needing to sell some of my stuff and buy new stuff. The drift boat is a very foriegn concept to me but i am really starting to like it, especially the thought of one with a kicker on it. In all of your opinions, what is the sweetest, badest a@%, best quality, drift boat on the market. with a drift boat, i imagine they are designed for smaller rivers, up to big waves on the columbia. if not let me know, thanks, love the sight and looking forward to learning more from you all. mark
You can put Drift Boats in the Colombia. If the Weather is good. so Most of the time it will be Possible.
haro 1,

Welcome to Oregon! (Even if you weren't born here)

You're mistaken about the 100% different. Some of the very best walleye water in the country is right here in the Columbia. Bring the Lund with you.
There are plenty of "eaters" here. If you put a little time in you can expect at least one 10lb+ fish per year.

See if you can get here by early Feb. You will need an out-of-state license until your new driver's license is 6 months old. Springtime in the river usually concentrates large fish below the dams.

You can walleye fish here 12 months of the year from a boat. (No ice shanty needed) Bottom walkers, spinner harnesses, stick baits, divers, blade baits, jigs,(sound familiar?) About the only things not very popular in the river are boards. Live, or recently alive, minnows or related are not permitted. We're limited to one rod at a time here, but with a 10 on it it's OK.
The next world Record walleye is coming out of the Colombia! You just gotta find him and Catch him!
Clackacraft are way Bad @$$! light, manuverable, expensive! If you are looking for a status symbol thats it. If you want comfort, style, grace, and fishability build your own! Nothing says northwest like a wooden drift boat...Nothing says I'm a fish killing pimp like telling the guys that like your boat...Ya, I built it myself. Plus you can customize it to do what ever you like.
I have also been looking at Drift Boats an have no experience. Would a guy be able to take them out in small lakes of would they handle badly?
Markcanby said:
I have also been looking at Drift Boats an have no experience. Would a guy be able to take them out in small lakes of would they handle badly?

ran my last one in bays, tidewaters, rivers, and lakes. They do get tossed a bit by wind but will do very well on lakes most days.
I have owned a handful of driftboats, so Ill offer some advice. least expensive will be wood. warmer than aluminum, pretty heavy and wont take a beating on the rocks like the others. Plan to keep them in your garage when your not using them, and you wont have to sand and paint as often. Aluminum boats are nice because they are the lightest, and if you dont have room in your garage, just leave them in the rain. Just make sure your seats and oars are under cover. The only problem with aluminum is there noisy, and there cold in the winter. The fiberglass boats are strong and durable like the aluminum, you dont have to paint and sand all the time, and there warmer and quieter. But they are heavier than aluminum, so they take a little more water to ride over the rocks. I would consider aluminum and fiberglass if I were to buy another driftboat. We had ours in lakes, and rivers, and there fine for lakes as long as theres not enough wind to push you all around the place. I would also recomend a longshaft outboard, if your going to hit the lakes or bigger rivers. and a front anchor system to go along with the rear. good luck, Brian

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