What is a good fisherman?

After being on the forum for a while I have started to notice a trend among fishermen.... very strong opinions on how to catch a fish.. the proper way. Often I find myself wondering just what exactly is a salmon to most fishers, so many feel certain ways or techniques are cheating or unethical. Myself, when I see a salmoniod I simply see smoked salmon dip, others see a mythical creature of nobility, now I see a steelhead or a rainbow as a true noble pursuit and never keep either. I used to feel that way about bow hunting for elk, but will primos and the hootchi mama ruined it for me and I dusted off the old fire stick and now just shoot for meat and go home. The crowds and the competition on the local salmon rivers have kind of ruined it for me and I look forward to salmon season only becouse it gets the competition out of my favorite sturgeon spots. It seems to me being a good fisherman is measured in numbers, I mean you never hear a guy say " man that dirk can stand in a freezing river all day enjoying nature with the best of em.. hes a heck of a fisherman" so when does a man cross over into jedi status and become a "" sportsman" ? so, what makes your best fishing buddy a great fisherman or running partner? what do you appreciate the most about your best fishing buddy? just curious, heres a chance to praise a friend.
Oregon has a pretty stringent set of rules regarding how, when, and what you can fish. It covers most of the unethical behavior I can think of, so in my opinion most of it isn't open to debate, unless that debate is changing the laws.

As far as catch and release, it's always a noble thing, but I don't hold it against anyone for keeping a legal fish.

In the case of steelhead and salmon, a legal fish was born in a man-made breeding factory for the sole purpose of providing us with a harvest. I don't see any problem with harvesting such a fish as long as it is consumed and not wasted.

Edit - I think a good fisherman is someone who is as concerned with having good fishing 50 years from now as he is today. If he cares, he will do the right thing.
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A good fisherman, in my opinion, is an angler who truly cares about the resource. An angler that cares more about the health of the river he or she is fishing than how many slots are filled on their tag. I used to only care about the mythical number. After years of seeing the puyallup and nisqually rivers being used and abused by poachers, snaggers, gill nets and overfishing; and the piles of trash left everywhere that mindset of I need to get as many as I can left me. I love the time I get to spend on the water. It's my version of church, the time I spend to find my center. I want others to be able to enjoy the resource as much as I do. In my opinion those are
some of the qualities/ideals a good fisherman/woman will embody.
VagrantAngler said:
A good fisherman, in my opinion, is an angler who truly cares about the resource. An angler that cares more about the health of the river he or she is fishing than how many slots are filled on their tag. I used to only care about the mythical number. After years of seeing the puyallup and nisqually rivers being used and abused by poachers, snaggers, gill nets and overfishing; and the piles of trash left everywhere that mindset of I need to get as many as I can left me. I love the time I get to spend on the water. It's my version of church, the time I spend to find my center. I want others to be able to enjoy the resource as much as I do. In my opinion those are
some of the qualities/ideals a good fisherman/woman will embody.

" lets put our minds together and see if we can make a future for our children"
-Sitting Bull-
I believe someone who respects the natural beauty and habitat where fish live then strive to preserve the resourse are among the best fishermen. To visit rivers, streams, and high lakes are all part of the experience. Sometimes I forget that I'm fishing because the surroundings distract me. To land a fish and observe the awesome colors and spots moments before releasing it, you realize it's all part of the scene. Like Vagrantangler said: It's a version of church
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Combat verses Camaraderie

Combat verses Camaraderie

anyone i talk to about salmon fishing talks about the combat... i usually tell people i like to think of it as Camaraderie fishing instead. i have many times seen or experienced fellow fishermen helping each other out whether its lost gear or something forgotten or technique or whatever. however lately i have been experiencing more of the combat and poor ettiqute and poor sportsmanship.

so i guess i think in addition to someone who appreciates the time out doors and caring for nature and doing what we can to keep things clean and propagate the fish, i think a few manners also make the fisherman.

and as much as i want to complain about getting pushed off spots and stuff like that i am just going to send out a huge thanks to all those who are friendly and helpful and good people- you guys make it a good time. (Tom, that goes for you and your Dad and the rest of the guys! Thanks!)
Fortunately i haven't experienced any of the rudeness yet. Ive never been anywhere where there is more than a handful of people at any given time. I'm pretty sure the next trip i have planned to the HH at the Trask i will have to endure combat fishing for the first time.

In my opinion, what makes a good fisherman/woman is pretty much the same as what has been listed already. Some etiquette and common sense goes a long way.
All good points. I think taking care of the river etc.. is a biggie with me. This covers everything from litter to handling the fish the best way possible. We are truely lucky to live where we do with a full year of fishing available to us.

As far as fishing buddies, I have a few that I really enjoy fishing with. A few of my favorite fishing buddies are terrible at catching fish, lol.

One thing I notice I dont like in a fishing partner, when they get pissed that the boat next to us or the bankie next to us is having a hot day and we are not. Frustrating at times sure. I am just as excited when a buddy hooks a fish as I am when my own pole takes a dive... I love the action and it just makes me love fishing more when some shmuck next to me with the same stuff is killing them and I can't get a bite.... why? Thats the fun, why? Some days you figure it out and you get to be the shmuck catching all the fish, those are extra fun days.
Good Fishermen

Good Fishermen

Some days you figure it out and you get to be the shmuck catching all the fish, those are extra fun days.

I'm still waiting and loving every minute of it!!!
......I think my skunk likes it too.:shock:

Fishing is as much about distraction as about catching fish. I can't stand on a river bank or control a boat and think about anything else without putting myself and possibly others at risk, even if that risk is small. It may be that I'm in a beautiful location like the upper Clack or not so beautiful Eagle Creek bridge hole, the atmosphere usually is not part of it. The water is ALWAYS part of it. I'm at peace when I'm near the water. Whether on the Puget Sound while growing up or the Madison River while learning to fly fish the water has a calming effect on me.

People near me only enhance the distraction factor. I rarely meet people while fishing who qualify as "jerks", most are friendly, informative and helpful when need be, just as I try to be.

Does all this make me a good fisherman? Not by my count, it only makes me a better person.

GDBrown said:
I'm still waiting and loving every minute of it!!!
......I think my skunk likes it too.:shock:

Your skunk and mine too. Even though its fun watching others catch their fish, there's that greedy little part of me that wants just one of those fish to be mine. All the waiting just makes it that much more worthwhile when you do finally kill that skunk. (Even if its not a keeper or not very big.)

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