What do I use on the Salmon River?

Don't go there anymore but if I was I would use.........

Don't go there anymore but if I was I would use.........

dose anybody know what i should use on the salmon river im going to fish it saterday:think:

Bobber and bait(salmon roe/sand shrimp)
Plunking a dbl hook dbl corkie setup
I like low tide in tidewater...corrals them nookies
Can't go wrong with a number 6 blue fox chartreuse with silver blade. I have always done better around low tide as well. I will usually fish 2 hours out going, slack and two hours incomming and call it good. Looking forward to your report haven't been to Salmon River in years but Im gona make it out their this year.
ask anyone there they will be flossing it up! bobber and eggs will work a few fish around a lot more people then fish
i use size 5 chartruese and silver blade for nooks,or if you want to catch and release hos use size 4 pink or purple. orange or blue also work for chinook but chartruese is the best. dont floss with corkies like 99 percent of the people there,the spinner will pick fish up. i like to add a smal trolling weight above my spinner to help with distance (if using a baitcaster) if your using a spinning rod just let it sink for a few seconds and slowly retrieve it. the 101 bridge area up to the ten shed should be good. i wont be salmon fishing this year. more focused on trout and steelies with my fly rod. good luck
The go to rig on the salmon is a huge chunk of pencil lead abit of leader and a hug corkie and hook. plunk it until you feel a bit and then set the hook hard and hope its not hooked in the tail. trust me a buddy of mine can't fish for 3 years because of this method on that river. works great!
thats all they all do! game cops was there the other day they dont even care! i got told i was never going to get a fish with my bobber and eggs by a floser that was anuff of that river for me
I'm bringing 3 setups wherever I go, it doesn't take up to much space just a small taclke box and a bait box worth of stuff. I'm using egg/tuna sacks, prawns, and large pink powerbait worms under a bobber, 3 colors of blue fox spinners, and a multitude of corkies. When corkie fishing all you really need is a small fish pill float, but colored corkies are fun. I like to pretie all of my leaders, corkies worms hooks and all and wrap them on a 79 cent foam floatie worm. Last year I was just fishing cokies and saw some kid just killing them with a bobber and shrimp, so I decided to go bobber this year.
I'll be down there but not on saturday. I'm waiting for after the weekend to go back.
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