What bit my fish in Happy Camp?

I think it was probably an Osprey

Thought about that for bit...I said a talon but...Opreys are migratory; on the Klamath I know anyways. Idk if there even around up there still. Maybe tho...thatnks for your input. Whatever it was osprey, otter, or mink. It was pretty deep into that fish. I figure something had it up on the bank eating it and it jus slipped back in.
I'd have to guess a missed grab from a big bird too. I can't imagine an otter losing a fish once they had a hold of em and I'd think it'd be a bit more chewed up rather than one clean gash. But who's to know.
I'd have to guess a missed grab from a big bird too. I can't imagine an otter losing a fish once they had a hold of em and I'd think it'd be a bit more chewed up rather than one clean gash. But who's to know.
Good point. The only thing was that there was only a mark on one side and a bit of the fish was damaged. I guess we'll never know. Its gotta be one of those things tho. Big gash tho...Caught a lot of fish with pacific lamprey marks on them and it wasn't that.
was that a steel head??? if it was then I can gaurantee that is a tentacle hook gash from a humbolt squid, there sharp enough to make a cut look like a net gash, lot of guys call them gillnet scars but its just were a squid basicly missed.
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