Whale tales

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Was up at Olallie Lake awhile back, rowing a boat trolling a spruce fly. An eagle, not a fish hawk, an eagle hit the water 20 feet from me and sunk his claws into a big brooder. This 'bow was too big for that bird to fly off with, and I wondered what was it going to do? Sure enough, that eagle wouldn't let go for nothing. It just flapped its wings the harder and it dragged that trout to the bank, at least a hundred feet, and got it up outa the water. Feasted! I actually took a blurry picture with a film camera(before my first digital)and have to see if I can find it. Amazing but true.:)

I was at Lake Marie one time just dinkin around and trout fishing. I ended up catching a small crappie and releasing it. When I let it go, it hid under a log probably about 7 or 8 feet in front of me. After about another 15 casts, boredom had set in and I started milling around. To my surprise, the crappie was still under the log. I kicked the exposed branch and the fish took off like a bat outta h-e-double hockey sticks. I didn't know it at the time, but a HUGE osprey was sitting atop one of the branches behind me. When the fish took off, the osprey dove. It hit the water not more than 15 feet in front of me and nailed the fish. Scared the ever livin crap out of me, but it was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen. From then on when I went to that lake, I'd cover my catch with something so the birds didn't swoop to take it.
I was bass fishing here on teh Molalla a couple years back an there were some ducks down there nothing new. Well all the sudden it sounded like a jet fighter was coming up behind me just a SWHSSSSSSSSSSS I turned just in time to see a Peregrine Falcon booming one of the ducks as it took off. That thing must have been rocking to make the noise coming from it.
bald eagles, hawks and falcons all have the same tendon build in their talons... making it impossible to let go of anything when flying, when their wings lift, their claws automaticly close and they cannot release as long as weight is pulling down on their legs.... wierd
I might go out and by me a pet bird and head with the boat to Crater Lake.

*Of course only to be used on days when we have fished all day and haven’t caught a dam thing.:confused:

seen it with Sea Gulls only
Whales on the Clackamas.

Whales on the Clackamas.

Wow. A school of Humpdebacked Whales were tearing up the River Mill Dam. Slapping it with their tales! Big chunks of concrete flying in all directions. The water below the dam started rising so I split quick!:lol:

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You think they might still be there? Seems like a good cance to use my new Harpoon.

I'm sure there still there, they usually stack in there till we get about 50 inches of rain, its the only way they can make it up the river to spawn. They are getting pretty dark, still great for making soap though.
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