Went to Cooper Creek Yesterday...

And got skunked. haven't been up there for years. hiked the trail to the right of the damn all the way back across from the second boat ramp... saw plenty of beds in the shallows but not a single bass. my buddy SAYS he caught a rainbow when i was around a corner... but he also said he got into it with a heron so idk about that one... lol. Getting ready to leave for Ben Irving reservoir hopefully we get a little more luck...
Ben Irving...

Ben Irving...

Just got back from ben irving for a few hours before my buddy had to go to work. Got one nice bite on a strike king jig, but was lighting a cigarette and missed it. my friend caught 3 small largemouth on an Arkie crawling grub. Only one boat out and i saw them catch one bass on a finesse worm before they took off to the other parts of the lake. Also, Finally found a taker on my boat for tattoo trade and will be getting a 14' jon boat late next week! so stoked...
well, better to get out on the water then sit at home! and i hate that..the fish always bite when your not paying attentioN! :lol: grats on the boat deal too :clap:
I was out on Platt I on Tuesday but like you I got skunked. I thought about swinging over to Cooper Creek Res but my battery was low & dummy me left my paddles at home. Was Ben Irving still muddy? Because of all the clearcut around that area it seems to take longer to clear up.
Yea, Ben Irving was pretty muddy. water visibility a few feet at best. nowhere near what cooper creek looked like the day before...
I went tuesday and if I couldm figure how to post a picture on this site I would show you a pig from there, but I can't just take a picture and post it like I do on other sites. I have it in my pictures, not on a url web site. Is ther a way to just cut and paste??
I host my pics to photo bucket for free & paste here. Were you the guy fishing from the bank by the picnic tables on tuesday. I was in my pontoon & there was a couple with a small child fishing from the bank left of the care takers place. The only other person I saw fishing that day was a guy in a red pick up truck on the west shore.
I was in the back of a white champion bass boat. I caught one 6.5. posted on I fish. Caught several other pound an a half fish. All were deep....the only ahallow fish were dinks
Nice, there def are big bass in there. My buddy fishes tournaments a lot and i've seen pictures of 6 & 7 lbers he's pulled from there on a pretty regular basis. like i said its just kinda hard to fish from the bank there...
get you a toon B-whit thats what I have & I love it. You can pick one up cheap on craigs list or under 300 bones at costco.
well im actually supposed to be getting a fourteen foot jon boat tomorrow that im gonna do a little rehab work on. trading a few hours worth of tattoo work for it, pretty stoked about that. but i also plan on getting a toon for some south umpqua smallie fishing this summer.
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