Weeds and lost fish...what can you do?

I'm learning more all the time here and out on the water. Caught a few fish this morning, but lost a couple too.

The ones I lost, were big enough to spool out considerable line. While I had them on for awhile, these two fish went threading through some heavy weeds and an accumulation of weeds and muck threaded onto my line to a point that my swivel used to serve as a stop for my weight embedded and stuck. At that point, the fish was able to break the leader.

In order to retrieve my line, I had to pull hard, reel a few inches, and repeat this process many times. Eventually, a very large 'island' of weeds and muck floated very slowly toward my as I pulled/reeled. Funny thing about this is that two large carp, in both instances, was closely following my island...but that's another story.

It took quite a bit of detangling and dislodging to get my line free of this mess.

Which leads to my question...is there anything you can do while playing a fish to minimize the chance of this happening? On the second fish, I actually tried to hold my rod really high much of the time thinking that it might reduce the amount of weeds that get caught. Obviously, this did nothing to prevent the problem.

Is this just an inevitable risk, or is there any way around this sort of problem in a weed-dense water?
ChezJfrey said:
I'm learning more all the time here and out on the water. Caught a few fish this morning, but lost a couple too.

The ones I lost, were big enough to spool out considerable line. While I had them on for awhile, these two fish went threading through some heavy weeds and an accumulation of weeds and muck threaded onto my line to a point that my swivel used to serve as a stop for my weight embedded and stuck. At that point, the fish was able to break the leader.

In order to retrieve my line, I had to pull hard, reel a few inches, and repeat this process many times. Eventually, a very large 'island' of weeds and muck floated very slowly toward my as I pulled/reeled. Funny thing about this is that two large carp, in both instances, was closely following my island...but that's another story.

It took quite a bit of detangling and dislodging to get my line free of this mess.

Which leads to my question...is there anything you can do while playing a fish to minimize the chance of this happening? On the second fish, I actually tried to hold my rod really high much of the time thinking that it might reduce the amount of weeds that get caught. Obviously, this did nothing to prevent the problem.

Is this just an inevitable risk, or is there any way around this sort of problem in a weed-dense water?

a lot of guys throw braid witch cuts weeds pretty well its also really strong and has 0 stretch you can go with heavier lb test increments to like 20+ lb test on a spinning rod with no problems its all jsut personal preferance
LOL, braid always seems to be the answer given me for any question posed...it's like a cult or something ;)

I'll certainly pick some up and give it a try.
ChezJfrey said:
LOL, braid always seems to be the answer given me for any question posed...it's like a cult or something ;)

I'll certainly pick some up and give it a try.

personally i can't stand braid but it is a moderate solution i am nto sure on your rig wiht a swivel but if its not necissary i would take that off lol
colbypearson said:
personally i can't stand braid but it is a moderate solution i am nto sure on your rig wiht a swivel but if its not necissary i would take that off lol

It's not necessary...I was just using it as a stop for a sliding weight. Since I'm sure I'll be out again before I pick up some braid, I'm going to remove it and see if that helps next time. I imagine it should some since it was mainly the swivel burying itself and picking up the huge chunk of weeds.
ChezJfrey said:
It's not necessary...I was just using it as a stop for a sliding weight. Since I'm sure I'll be out again before I pick up some braid, I'm going to remove it and see if that helps next time. I imagine it should some since it was mainly the swivel burying itself and picking up the huge chunk of weeds.

what rig like a carolina rig or a texas rig? if it was texas rigged you could peg the weight with a top brass peg it they come in pretty big packs for a few bucks over the internet or use a toothpick witchever you want works fine for pegging

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