WalMart antifishing contributions

No worries folks - 36 million? That should only be enough to fund the salaries for Ocean Conservancy, Conservation International Foundation, Marine Stewardship Council, World Wildlife Fund and Environmental Defense Fund. Sheesh - not even sure that 36 mil would cover that!!

How many of you shop wally world anyho? Sad how many will still spend their monies at that store knowing where those funds are going. Even more sad is the people that have this knowledge and STILL go there...
I haven't purchased any fishing gear from Wally World. And I can't think of much else that I've gotten there. Just don't like there stores. Now, I like 'em even less.
Dont know how i feel about this. I need to buy things from there because its close and prices cheap. I knew i was basically funding china but know this. gonna try really hard not to go in there but dont know haw long it will last. Dont understand why they would sell fishing gear if this is how they feel. I would be like a bunch of vegans owning and running a butcher shop or slaughter house.
The stated amount could never even make a difference. Look at the overall picture for the US and how much is generated from these fisheries. To actually stop all fishing efforts would create huge problems. People would lose their jobs just making problems worse that we are already dealing with. Compare it to the war on drugs, if you want to snuff out fishing then you have to have more money than the whole industry to even get close to shutting it down. I agree that if you want to make this statement then stop selling fishing gear. Alas, it is not a statement, it is just a donation so they can avoid some taxes. All in all, it is the only place I have found white powers eggs that is within a reasonable drive to obtain.
Sad how many will still spend their monies at that store knowing where those funds are going. Even more sad is the people that have this knowledge and STILL go there...

Have you experienced the economy lately? MOST people don't even have enough money to buy the things they need, so they cut costs. I know this recession sure has affected me greatly. Wal Mart is a godsend to many families for damn good reason.

Let me ask you this, do you buy your gas from Shell, Exon, BP, Chevron, or Connoco Phillips? I bet you do even though you know what those companies have done. What about the food you eat? Cuz the food market is just about the most corrupt industry in America. Especially for those that try to eat healthy. LOL
Have you experienced the economy lately? MOST people don't even have enough money to buy the things they need, so they cut costs. I know this recession sure has affected me greatly. Wal Mart is a godsend to many families for damn good reason.

God knows I've been in financial positions that did not allow me to think about the political aspects of where I shop, the important thing was how much food can I get for my kids and how many diapers for their bottoms.

I would say that it must be nice to live so well that you never have to let price rule where you shop, but I would rather have had to struggle at times than to not have any compassion or understanding for those that do.
Rip me if that makes you feel better beaver.. judge me on this forum. Know nothing of how I live, but please pass your mighty judgement on me! It does not go both ways. If you feel you need to shop there, shop there. I will not judge you as you are me now..

Gas? Really?

Our family is financially struggling right now yet find the savings without having to get it there... maybe we should? Funny thing is, it's our choice and we still choose to get through without the help of the wallys.

Just sayin'.. No worries though, I wont judge you beaver.
I have not bought anything from Wally in years. I just don't think they are any cheaper just one giant marketing scam. However I read through the linked page then read through the home page of Ocean Conservation an I didn't really see the same type of words. In the link I see demise an ban but on the web page they say Conservation an Restoration I do understand how some people that may think these words are the same but they are not. Since I don't shop at Wallies I sent $25 to them to help save our oceans an in turn our world.
If any of you guys/ladies in Eugene area I personally have found dicks sporting goods to be cheaper than wolly world plus less crowd for example I'm getting ready for a trip to Florida to fish tarpon and I compared wolly,dicks, and cabelas and found price wise dicks. If your looking for sheer quality then cabelas but dicks is close second. For example "all" lures are 25% off ect if your up tword portland check out wholesale sports/sportsman wherhouse same down south hope this helps!
Yeah im gonna research it more. And probably end up with a better understanding and probably continue my shopping. 90 dollar rod at dicks was 70 at bimart. just like cabelas somethings are expensive and others are cheap is the case i find with most stores. just gotta shop aroung great deals and great rip offs are hanging on the rack next to each otehr in just about all the shops around here. i like to try when i can stop by the local shops and pay the extra money to support the small buissnes.
Its there money and if they want to waste it on trying to end something that has been going on since the dawn of man like fishing, then more power to them. what they dont seem to understand is what fishing really does for people. Relieves stress, promotes exercise and health, the nutrients of eating fish, medications created from fish, the list goes on and on, and if anyone for a minute think they would ever be able to end fishing is just nuts and need to be checked into a psych ward. I mean if senate passes a law outlawing fishing all hell would break loose and there would be another civil war...and on the other hand maybe that wont be so bad and we could finally reform our corrupt politicians and bring our country back under order ran by the people for the people!
Kind of mixed on all of this - proper conservation can result in improved habitat and better fishing / hunting etc. I really doubt the extreme animal rights folks (and I mean extreme) will ever get their agenda approved. I do think you need to support groups as you can ( Trout Unlimited etc.) that support your views.

On the whole walmart thing - I have to agree with others that this economy has greatly impacted our family. We are able to get by shopping frugally at Freddys or Winco but it is tight. I also do strongly believe in supporting your local specialty stores when at all possible ( River City Fly shop, Portland Music as examples). But in these tight times my recreation dollars are slim - so when I go to make a big ticket item purchase like a reel --- I included walmart in my shopping and will continue to do such until things improve.
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