Umpqua smallies

As usual the Umpqua smallies are out in full force.
these pics are from somewhere about 15 minutes southwest of Elkton.
Wacky rigged 3'" Senkos in pumpkin seed, and texas rigged 2" black leeches got a few but my Girl's roostertail (she bent the blade so it spins better) got the bigger ones, and more of em. Weather was in the upper 80's and the water was warm and clear.
(On a side note, we got RUDELY crowded out by this lady and her two VERY unfriendly dogs who decided to set up fort between where my girl was fishing and I was fishing, about 10 feet from us, literally!!!! I need a DB!
nice fish! Sorry to hear about the rudeness, that seems to be an increasing problem. I hate it when people crowd right up next to you! If it gets too crowded I'll go elsewhere, maybe that's why they do it. Some people have no fishing etiquette.
Hooked on fishin' said:
nice fish! Sorry to hear about the rudeness, that seems to be an increasing problem. I hate it when people crowd right up next to you! If it gets too crowded I'll go elsewhere, maybe that's why they do it. Some people have no fishing etiquette.
LOL that reminds me of a little something i did when i just couldnt stand it anymore. I was just nailin fish at one of my spots along the umpqua when these two guys rolled up. Keep in mind this is a very small spot. barely enough for two fishermen let alone 4 which is how many we had after the ********* came down. They took one look in my bucket of fish and i **** you not, the started casting out like 2 feet away from me. I politely asked if they could go somewhere else and they said somethin like "THis isn't your river is it?"

So i just put my pole down and started chucking rocks out into the bass hole. I was skippin rocks, kickin rocks in and flat out throwing the biggest rocks i could find in the water. They were gettin ****** off but i didn't care. After a while they just picked up their **** and left cuz i think they finally figured out that they were being *****. HAH and just to piss em off anymore, i heard them still up at their truck so i went up there and acted like i was leaving too , just as they pulled out. It was one of my greater moments.
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Bank fishing the Umpqua

Bank fishing the Umpqua

Hey all,

Just signed up to the forum. My wife and I live in Brookings, and are wondering if anyone can guide us to good bank fishing locations for smallmouth on the Umpqua when we make day trips up there.

Sorry to hear about people having trouble with rude people. It seems to be an epidemic. Whenever we see a spot occupied by someone else, we first ask if there is room, and if not, we ask if there is another spot nearby where we can fish and not interfere with the people already present. Common courtesy seems to be an endangered species, but if enough of us practice it, maybe it'll rub off on the "others". Here's hoping.
see if that were me with the rude lady and 2 dogs, i would of made her move, ive been bit by a dog b4, so if any big dog i dont know, not on a leash, and tries to jump on me, i'll punch it in the face lol. id tell her that to her face, and probably use a couple cuss words and im sure she woulda left lol. thats why we have leash laws(atleast in portland). i dont know bout hick towns to the south and east of me.
nice pics.sorry to hear about the rudness.Thanks for the umpqua report,I have a couple friends flying in form the east coast and have never been to Oregon and they have heard of oregons fishing and are dieing to go.I've been racking my brains on where to take them and what to fish for,you just made my choice a whole lot easier.I'll take them to the goood ole umpqua and fish for some smallies,that should hook them on fishing oregon.
Hey congrats on the fishing!! That is such an awesome river, but unfortunately I have dealt with a few rude individuals there myself. Had one guy try to bean with a half full beer bottle as I was pulling my boat into a bridge. I didn't know it was coming until it exploded about two feet from my head, luckily I had it turned. I thought I was mad enough until I saw what kind it was: Bud Light! :shock: I figured if you're gonna try to kill me at least do it with a decent brew!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad to see the smallie fishing is in full-force, I'll be there this week! Can you suggest any place on the Umpqua that's good for smallies and steelhead?
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Capeferrelometalcrat said:
Hey all,

Just signed up to the forum. My wife and I live in Brookings, and are wondering if anyone can guide us to good bank fishing locations for smallmouth on the Umpqua when we make day trips up there.

Sorry to hear about people having trouble with rude people. It seems to be an epidemic. Whenever we see a spot occupied by someone else, we first ask if there is room, and if not, we ask if there is another spot nearby where we can fish and not interfere with the people already present. Common courtesy seems to be an endangered species, but if enough of us practice it, maybe it'll rub off on the "others". Here's hoping.

Along Tyee road there are several boat ramps, and as usual with boat ramps there is a chance you can walk a distance up or down river from the ramp.

James Wood Ramp:

Google Maps

Osprey Ramp

Google Maps

Yellow Creek Ramp

Google Maps

You can turn here on Mehl Creek Road and it gets VERY close to river on a couple spots. It also seems as if boaters have made little dirt ramps that go from the river right to the road in a few spots:

Google Maps

These are a few options, it's tough to go anywhere on this river and not find trespassing signs, for obvious reasons. Heck, if I owned property on this river my signs would probably be neon! Good luck!
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Bud Light! :shock: I figured if you're gonna try to kill me at least do it with a decent brew!!!!!!!!!!

LOL seriously!! I would be very offended..BUD LIGHT?!?
The river was fairly crowded all over the place. I dont mind fishing with a few neighbors, but some folks just dont understand the whole "personal space" thing. Everyone else who floated past us, or came to see the river was more than pleasant. I would still highly recommend fishing here without worries of "space invaders". Anywhere Graphite Zen mentioned will give some excellent smallmouth fishing. Tyee campground is nice too, but the day use area does not allow dogs. Behind the high school in Elkton is a nice spot with a huge strech of very deep, fishable, (and swimmable) water.
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