Trout trolling setup

So as a contiuation of the questions i have about my new (to me) boat i need to know what kind of setups you all use for trout while trolling.

Using spoons? Spinners? what kind? what size?

Since I'm a total noob at this I need a good starting off point so i can experiment from there.

Thanks in advance!!
D) All the above...

D) All the above...

I understand using wedding rings & worms work down about 20 feet or more,depending on where the thermocline(sp) is located. You do need to use enough weight to keep it down there,like the banana weights. I wasn't aware of that the first few times I tried and found out my gear was most likely just a few feet below the surface.:rolleyes: I have a feeling that without a downrigger the key is enough weight.
Hope you are enjoying your new magic carpet. :dance:
i have been having the same issues when trolling for trout, i have bought the trolling set-up units and added a wedding ring, rooster tail combo, well i have caught NOTHING, i bought rapala's and caught 2 trout and i bout kastmasters and caught 1, the best luck i have had was just trolling a worm and a sinker and nothing else added to it, i guess when they say " sometimes less is more" might be true... my buddy and i caught some 14 inch trout using just worms and nothing else.... good luck fishing...
so how do you rig the sinkers? HOw long of a leader off of that?

You all are going to get tired of my questions. Maybe I'll have enough info byt the time the EO OFF gathering occurs to bring my boat :P
I have posted this before here somewhere. My favorite trout troll is a light or even ultra light pole with a regular swivel tied to the main line. Add about 36" of leader that is tied to either a small Needlefish or a small Kastmaster. Pinch 2-3 pea sized split shots just below the swivel and troll as slow as you can.

Its great fun, I dont like the typical trout trolls that are sold because with an average trout you are getting more fight reeling in you gear than from the fish.

Also, when trolling for trout try to never go in a straight line. As you turn the boat not only do you cover more area your outside lure will speed up and your inside lure will slow down gives different presentations.
the sinker is the kind that can moves up the line, it is held away from the hook by another weight, it is not a lot of weight when i catch mine, i use a 1/4 ounce of weight, and i catch them everytime, this past monday we caught 4 trout..
I have posted this before here somewhere. My favorite trout troll is a light or even ultra light pole with a regular swivel tied to the main line. Add about 36" of leader that is tied to either a small Needlefish or a small Kastmaster. Pinch 2-3 pea sized split shots just below the swivel and troll as slow as you can.

Its great fun, I dont like the typical trout trolls that are sold because with an average trout you are getting more fight reeling in you gear than from the fish.

Also, when trolling for trout try to never go in a straight line. As you turn the boat not only do you cover more area your outside lure will speed up and your inside lure will slow down gives different presentations.
you are so right when it comes to the trout trolling units, and think it takes away from the action on the pole...
When trollin' with Grampa fer trout we employ his arsenal of Flatfish. From size F-3, up to X-4's with colors Glo Dill Pickle, Yellow w/red & black spots and Metallic Gold Red Tiger being top catchers. The Yellow w/red n black spots is MINE. I hide it in his boat every time we dock...:lol:

Other than those, we primarily troll Ford Fenders, with a worm trailin'.

Make sure you have rod holders. Ever since I got mine I have been trying to figure out why I didn't have them before. Maybe it's because the boat came with one for me already. My go to is a fender and a worm. you need a rod that will take a fender as they put a bit of pressure on the rod and troll them slowly. I use about a 18" leader and rub smelly jelly's on the blades. I troll them pretty far back and some times use a little bit of wieght. This being an in line banana wieght before the fender. The fender does take away the fight from smaller trout but you can tell when they hit and the seem to let you know there there every so often on the reel in and get crazy when they see the boat. But once the fish gets up above 1lb you can tell they are there and they let you know. I think this works the best especially since i always see other boats marking fish but not catching them and we are just about limited out. haveing a level wind in a must for trolling. and with fenders i use a heavy mainline with a smaller leader so if the hook snags you get you gear back. and i take the ultra lite to cast with or to troll light gear which doesn't happen much.
I use a small flasher,both silver and brass and then a 18 inch leader and then a wedding ring with a worm or just a worm.
Also just a worm.

I will also try spoon,spinner or anything I have to get a hit.
Superb people. Keep the tactics coming.

It looks like everybody does something a little bit differant. I'm guessing the key is to go slow and to fish at the depth that the fish are.

My regular bank fishing trout rod is a 5.5 ft ugly stick. Super sensitive. Sould this work for pulling small stuff through the water or should i bump up to a little stiffer rod / longer rod?
joesnuffy said:
Superb people. Keep the tactics coming.

It looks like everybody does something a little bit differant. I'm guessing the key is to go slow and to fish at the depth that the fish are.

My regular bank fishing trout rod is a 5.5 ft ugly stick. Super sensitive. Sould this work for pulling small stuff through the water or should i bump up to a little stiffer rod / longer rod?
Should be fine for some things but with a fender you don't want it to look like there is a fish on the whole time.
well i guess there is only one way to find out for sure..... use it!

I supose i should bump out the line poundage on that reel though. I've got 4lb set up on it. I'll increase it to 6# and use a 4lb leader.
joesnuffy said:
well i guess there is only one way to find out for sure..... use it!

I supose i should bump out the line poundage on that reel though. I've got 4lb set up on it. I'll increase it to 6# and use a 4lb leader.

Yeah......use that one for smaller gear. Get a bigger rod and maineline for a fender. they are 10 bucks a pop and i hate loosing on thats why the 12lb main but you could go lighter but not so sure about 6 some times the fender it self snags up and it takes a bit of pull sometimes to get it back and i would rather loose a 10 can't hook than a 10 dollar flasher. up to you though my way is far from the right way its just my way.
My favorite way to troll is with lead core line without flashers or any large tackle. I prefer small spoons(they dont look like a typical spoon) like triple teasers and needle fish. Its a blast fighting them without weight or flashers. Sometimes I'll use the trolling weights with quickfish and flatfish if I'm rowing and can't use a motor.
joesnuffy said:
Superb people. Keep the tactics coming.

It looks like everybody does something a little bit differant. I'm guessing the key is to go slow and to fish at the depth that the fish are.

My regular bank fishing trout rod is a 5.5 ft ugly stick. Super sensitive. Sould this work for pulling small stuff through the water or should i bump up to a little stiffer rod / longer rod?

Take your fly rod with you, put on a woolybugger with a small softhackle dropper, put out about 75 feet of line troll nice and slow and have a ball catching fish. Use floating line with long leader.

Method number two. Small trout rod with a roostertail tied on, no weight except maybe a split shot depending on how deep the fish are. Put out 50 feet of line or so and get ready to catch fish. These have been sure fire ways that work very well for me for years at Lake Simtustus.;)
Irishrover said:
Take your fly rod with you, put on a woolybugger with a small softhackle dropper, put out about 75 feet of line troll nice and slow and have a ball catching fish. Use floating line with long leader.

You sure i shouldn't put a worm on there to? :P

I've seen guys do this before and at some point i imagine i'll try it too. But it's not fly fishing :P
joesnuffy said:
You sure i shouldn't put a worm on there to? :P

I've seen guys do this before and at some point i imagine i'll try it too. But it's not fly fishing :P

:lol: No it's trolling with a fly rod and it's a hoot when you get a fish on especially for the grand kids or there grandma.:)
I like to troll a worm. Small chunch on a sz. 8 hook. Use split shots to control the depth, or worm sinkers above the swivel. A rod length of 2# mono or 4# mono.
Just got back from Leaburg lake,caught 6 rainbows,kept 3 and released 3.
Trolling with a worm,no weight,18 inch leader, about 50 feet behind the boat going about .3 mph.

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