Trout 2007 Show OFF

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Went fishing to Mt Hood pond on Weds. I had checked the stocking report and saw that MT hood had been stocked so my uncle and I decided to give it a shot. Got there around 9:45 it was pretty nice. I caught around 10 and Kept only four. You can probably guess why. All very nice fighting trout. My Uncle caught a 16" trout and most of mine were 12"+ We had a blast. My first success of the year.
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  • Mt-Hood-pond2.jpg
Tried our fishing luck at Blue River Reservoir this morning, the boat launch was just in the water. Thank goodness for four wheel drive, dropped the boat off an embankment and hit the water. Water temp. was 44 degrees and rather clean looking considering the amount of snow run off and rain.

Started trolling and headed for the back of the lake. I hadn't been there for a half a dozen years and never at that level. Once we got to the back of the lake the fish started showing up on the sonar and we pick up our first fish, a nice native Rainbow. We found a hole with a school of fish hanging down around 20 feet, out came the bobber rods and it wasn't long before we had another Rainbow in the net. We fished the back of the lake for the rest of the morning and ending up with 13 Trout, five native and ten fin clipped.

Not bad for a rainy day on a lake that neither of us had ever really fished before. Not another angler on the lake, bank or boat. What a difference between fishing weekends or weekdays, I will take weekdays any time. Here are a few pictures and you can probably feel the wetness. The water temp. never really changed throughout the day, the rain never stopped just let up a few times. Tight lines to all and good luck.

Went fishing at Salmonberry pond today. I ended up landing 17 almost identical looking fish. I couldn't get them to hit any lures, but they were starving for the almighty power eggs. Most of the time I was getting bites before my sinker hit bottom.

This leads me to believe that these are stocked fish, but this pond is not mentioned on the stocking schedule at all this year. It was on the schedule last year so maybe it was mistakenly omitted from the schedule this year, but it got me to wondering......does ODFW ever purposely stock places that are not on the schedule?
I met 090fisher with a friend of his and we were on the water around 7:30 am and proceeded up stream to a few spots I've been to before and we had a great day, we lost track on how many fish we caught but is was a lot.... Rainbows, McKenzie Redd Sides, and a very nice Cutthroat or two.

The weather was perfect for angling, cloud cover and a bit of a breeze, a cold breeze at times. The place was in very good shape, not to many anglers and the ones that were there gave everyone space (except the guy with the lousy anchor) we even met Dicroic at the best hole..... we tied his boat to ours and began to hammer them together. John was the lure master and Eddy, well once he got the current figured out - just couldn't stop him..... once again fellow OFF members were great people, I am still batting 1000% on hooking up with our members. This site is great for meeting people with like interest. Here are a few pictures of the day.


Dicroic and myself went up to do some fishing on the Middle Fork Willamette River this morning, we got there around sunrise.... the weather was perfect for a great day of catching overcast and rain on and OFF. We started at the confluence of the river at Hills Creek res. and worked our way up stream, what a great choice.

The water was clean, clear and running strong, the river is closed to bait so we brought along a plethora of our favorite lures, spinners, spoons and some home experimental stuff. We both had a banner morning, started OFF with a double slam and it just got better. We didn't see another angler all day, had the river to ourselves along with a Bald Eagle and it seemed like a half dozen Osprey. They didn't appreciate us intruding on there fishing grounds, I must admit we kicked there butts.

We did have the advantage of being able to catch the hoggs laying on the bottom, these fish were just gorgeous, the colors on these fish were just amazing, most of the fish were natives and very fat. The lure of choice was pretty much what ever you decided to toss out there, from gold spoons to home made spinners. At one point we were both laughing and giggling like a couple of ten year olds, we just could't believe our luck, one fatty after another. The area would start to dye of and we would move up stream about twenty yards and it would start all over again.

I feel like I had been lifting weights all day, my arms were all most numb, at one point Dicroic was laying on this big old rock casting, his legs had just giving out. It's days like these that keep you coming back to experiment with your home made stuff. All and all a great day of catching, and releasing wonderful native fish, and the best thing is they are still there for another day. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment....... Thanks Scott for doing all the driving, what a treat.


Well I just couldn't stand it I had to return to the Willy.....what a place. This time we made it there a bit to early, had to wait to launch the boat - not enough light..The weather was perfect again, clouds and the threat of rain - but not a drop. A slight breeze to break the surface and the water temp. was in the mid 60's just what the Trout love. The place just seem to be alive with wild life, Eagles, Osprey, oh and a couple of Gulls. It never ceases to amaze me how far inland those birds live and prosper, competing with the local wild life. Very cool day, here are a few pictures of the place and some fish.


I just couldn't help myself, this place is just to amazing.....we had a ball. I really don't have any idea how many fish we boated.....we had at least 3 double slams with hogs. The weather is turning on us, today there wasn't a cloud to be found, and the wind was gusting at at least 25 thurty pound anchor wouldn't even hold us, so we drifted and pitched lures most of the morning and then went to bobber fishing, funny how those garden hackles produce fish even in the wind.

The water temp. was 73 degrees when we launched the boat at 5:45am and was a very cold 50 degrees in the back. A great day on the water with a old fishing friend, I must admit he kicked my butt all over the place. He must have been holding his mouth right.. Here are a few pictures from the early morning before the wind came up, no way could you hold the camera still in the afternoon. Hope you enjoy them.


Weds. morning on the Middle Fork Willamette River. What a beautiful morning, cloud cover until 10 am and a cool breeze.... Wonderful way to start the day. Took a friend from Washington and what a day he had.... Those gold spoons, what can I say. I should buy stock in the company, heck the company should give me the lures for free for all the advertising I give them.

The water temp. was 72 degrees at the ramp and 56 degrees in the back, perfect for the fat Trout that live there. The Osprey had just about as good of day of fishing as we did, seemed like every time we looked up they were flying OFF with another nice fish, I'm not sure but it looked like they were catching and keeping native fish, thats against the law ;), where is the game warden when you need one. A great day on the water, no bank anglers and just two other boats. Nice to have such a large area to fish in, never got bothered by any one. Was like being by our selves, here are a few pictures of the day, hope you enjoy them.


Thanks you to troutski for the great info on this awesome river...

me and lilsalmon headed out thursday to hit some new water so we camped up above hills creek reservoir,,we ended up at campers flat and had the whole river to ourselves:D:D we hit every little spot we could get to and we waded a long ways up and down the river.hitting every little bit of pcket water paid off and there a lot of nice runs on this river,,very good trout water.the second day we headed over to salmon creek for some trout fishing,,i love this creek as well,i picked up a fat rainbow there:D:D
all in all i guaraantee i will be back to this piece of water,,what a gem and excellent trout fishing,my kind of place...the fish werent really hitting dries until late late in the evening but the main flies on this trip were peacock stimulator,black stonefly nymphs,and pheasant tail nymphs...:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
Wanted to get out there before ODFW stocks it full of "barely legals". Made it out today & hit limit in a little under three hours. Even released one that was too small for my taste. Biggest one was right around 15 and a half, smallest was around 13". Also got the pond to myself for all but the last thirty minutes. Life is good.
Caught my limit in hatchery rainbows today right next to Lookout dam, on the Dexter side. Used powerbait off of the bottom and watched the line closely (they were really subtle nibbles), so I could set the hook. Took 2 hours to reach my limit. The biggest was shy of 13".
Fished Dexter yesterday afternoon.
Heard trout action was picking up.
Missed a couple but caught 3 fat 13 inchers. (and 1 squawfish that is pushing up daisies )
Spinnerfly with a piece of worm trolled at 4 feet at the west end of the lake. (Jet boat races going on now so don't bother until at least next week.
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