Trask-hospital hole.

Me and my buddy from work are going to hit up the hospital hole this sunday (10/11). Due to babysitting constraints we have to go in the afternoon and hope we can hit the tail end of low tides in the evening.

So i have a few questions before i get ready for there.

1) Same old bait as anywhere else? shrimp and eggs?

2) Any techniques seem to work better there than any others? Ive got a Float setup and a spinner setup right now, should i lean more towards bait there than lures?

3) I know it costs some money to fish there due to it being private property, is there anything else i should know about this place so as not to ruin my chances of being able to return at a later date?
Skunked again. Got one coho almost to the bank when it splashed me, spit the hook and swam off.
hospital hole

hospital hole

great spot - $ 5 - to get in - dragged more then a few out of there -

hints : try to time it for high tide - be there at end of Oct. -
I rig like this , 2oz. cannon ball sinker , free sliding on a snap swivel , 4' leader 30# leader to a 2/0 hook with egg loop - here is the key : you must put on corkies large enough to float your eggs above the bottom - do not use sand shrimp or the crap fish will be on them all day - this is the plunking method - bobber and egg and spinners are also worthy - do not neglect the slough across the field from tidewater - and of course you need a rod and reel that mean business - you need to stop and turn them right now ! lots of wood and dead heads floating around - this works for me
thanks for the info!
cchinook thinks like mebbe i think like him...;)
10-23/24/25-09 Report

10-23/24/25-09 Report

I spent the weekend camping at the HH and the skunk was still there. I think he pee'd on everybody that drove through the gate. It was pretty quiet, I didn't hear anything coming out of the slough either. Hardly seen anything rolling too. We went over to the Tillamook River and it was the same thing. There were a few rolling there. A guy & his wife camping next to us was out on the bay and he got two but most of the boats that went by us were shaking their heads. Oh well, aother excellent weekend fishing but the catching wasn't quite up to par. Maybe next week???
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its gonna be this week man....especially friday...and afer that..i bet the whole river will be fishable...
10-31/11-1 report

10-31/11-1 report

The "nuthin muffin" was on the menu once again this week. Got there Saturday and tried the Trask for a bit but the water was dark and lots of crap floating by. We moved to the slough, the water was not as dark but way less floating crap. Seen a few roll here and there but nothing biting anywhere. Fished all day at the slough Sunday without a bite. Not even a freakin sculpin. There was a full moon Sat. night. I woke up and it was so light out that I thought we slept in but when I looked at my watch it was only 3:00am. Not good. A local I talked to said it's been on a day then off like three or four days. When it's on it's sporatic at best and you need to hit the right place so it's been poke and hope mostly. Maybe next week???
luv2fish said:
its gonna be this week man....especially friday...and afer that..i bet the whole river will be fishable...

o..u fish gods....i have to take my words back...:rolleyes:
Going to try again

Going to try again

I've got tomorrow off so I'm going on a day trip to Tillamook. Tides are not good for tomorrow but we're going to do it anyway. I'll fish the slough and see what happens. The worst day fishing is better than the best day working, right?
Gor said:
I've got tomorrow off so I'm going on a day trip to Tillamook. Tides are not good for tomorrow but we're going to do it anyway. I'll fish the slough and see what happens. The worst day fishing is better than the best day working, right?

Good luck!!!
Nothing again. I mean nothing. Nothing frollicing, rolling, anything! Trask was blown out. Slough was high but way cleaner. It was a relaxing day watching the rain, hail, sun, rain, hail, rain, rain, and more rain. We have a canopy so we didn't get wet. Another excellent day fishing and a lousy day catching. Maybe next week?

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