Totally off subject but . . . . .

Hey fellas , I am getting ready to launch the FISH HEAD MAFIA web site . I have 3 videos to shoot real quick , build them into a page , and try and figure out how to launch it . Please check it out and offer some feed back . It will be launched as a work in progress , so it is NOT done . Hopefully , it never will be done . Any way , today or tomorrow at the latest . Please dont delete or move this post . Just bear with me , Im pretty excited about it . Thanks in advance fellas ! !
Yeah , genuine wwwdotcom site with most geared towards the beginner . How to vids , pics , links , and of course the blog . Maybe some people other than beginners can find something also . Always open to suggestions , as this is very new to me .
Good luck with your site, but as Joe indicated above, this thread belongs to "Other staff (related to fishing)" so I had to move it. Don't take it personal.
Just curious as to why you don't want this thread to be moved. It's about a website, not steelhead.......

Good luck with your site though.

Just because I am on this part of the site allot , and for some reason trust the feed back of people I know only on a screen . Weird huh ? The site also deals with fishing . And steelhead . Jeeze .
looks well put together and professional, I did find the red writing on the black background kinda hard to read.. hope that helps if you are lookin for in-put... hope you do well. nice site.
Thanks hitman/shane . yeah . I gotta change the font and color , two of the video went screw ball also . going to fix it and keep adding . thanks again
Thanks hitman/shane . yeah . I gotta change the font and color , two of the video went screw ball also . going to fix it and keep adding . thanks again

I saw the problem at the bottom of the page....... had something to do with MacItoooooosch......LOL
Nice and clean, easy to navigate. It's nice. Would suggest a larger font and different color, just a little hard to read.
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