Too many sea lions

I think it's time for them to stop being federally protected, their population is obviously doing just fine.
why waste money on big rubber nets and hazing? There are cheaper, permanent solutions that come to mind.
Yes I need to try out the Ackley IMP.:D Those that know know what I mean.:lol:
osmosis said:
I think it's time for them to stop being federally protected, their population is obviously doing just fine.
why waste money on big rubber nets and hazing? There are cheaper, permanent solutions that come to mind.

Sea Lions are a part of Mother Natures plan, and as such need to be a part of the ecosystem.
Perhaps at one point in time, they did need protection so as to not go extinct. But that time is long past. The Marine Species Act(or whatever it's called) worked wonders, and now the protection afforded them under federal law needs to be revised to more accurately reflect current conditions.

Yeah right, good luck with that.
I wonder what Sea Lion tastes like........

I'd start witht the ones below Bonnieville Dam.
joesnuffy said:
I wonder what Sea Lion tastes like........

I'd start witht the ones below Bonnieville Dam.

Medium rare, with baked tater and corn on the cob. :D
a little bit of garlic makes almost anything taste great...but maybe just getting some big pods of Orcas to come and stay awhile for dinner might work...
IF they clopper the Orcas in they could find their own way back to the ocean. Would be kinda sweet to go watch the slaughter. :P
Sorry for seal lovers but I would almost be willing to pay to see that slaughter
They could make some good money selling "sea lion hunting tags".
I agree about ending their protected status and that will involve killing a certain amount. I have killed many things in my life, but I can't say that I ever "enjoy" watching living things being slaughtered ;)
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