Time to Fight

Oregon D**** F**** and wildlife are setting the fall chinook season and trying do what they did last year, saying that they expect a run a little better than last year. They are trying to open up three rivers to "Wild" coho. They expect us to be happy with that? Most systems had an obnoxious amount of Coho in them last year, to the point of being a nusance. So grabyour torch and pitch forks kids, it's time to raise holly hell and not let a bunch of idiots protect commercial fisheries and continue to shaft fisherman.
Wait a minute - If there was a 'nuisance' number or Coho in the systems last year...........wouldn't it make sense to increase the harvest rate? :confused:
mgdguy said:
Wait a minute - If there was a 'nuisance' number or Coho in the systems last year...........wouldn't it make sense to increase the harvest rate? :confused:

They only want to open 3 new systems..they should be opening all of them!!! They need to start focusing on taking care of us instead of the commercial guys.
Oh now I get what you're saying. Ok not confused anymore :)
I think on the streams that got really good returns they should have a 1 fish limit per day. I don't think that would hurt anything! But man the runs sure we're good! Me and a buddy hooked over 30 something in just half a day!
I hope it's that good this year!!
If ODFW put our funds from license sales into habitat enhancement, fish returns, and protecting sportsmen we would have waaayyy better runs. I think putting 0.86 of every dollar into enforcement is bunch of horse s***.

1.6 million Coho in the Columbia + 600,000 Chinook = Filled harvest cards!!! (And Smoked Salmon for Christmas Presents!!)
Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely peeved about the coast runs!!!
Kodiak said:
If ODFW put our funds from license sales into habitat enhancement, fish returns, and protecting sportsmen we would have waaayyy better runs. I think putting 0.86 of every dollar into enforcement is bunch of horse s***.

1.6 million Coho in the Columbia + 600,000 Chinook = Filled harvest cards!!! (And Smoked Salmon for Christmas Presents!!)
Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely peeved about the coast runs!!!

This is what Im peeved about!! Read carefully.
Kodiak said:
If ODFW put our funds from license sales into habitat enhancement, fish returns, and protecting sportsmen we would have waaayyy better runs. I think putting 0.86 of every dollar into enforcement is bunch of horse s***

Not to get political...but the key word in ODFW is...OREGON. Bureaucracy always gets the dollars... :rolleyes:
good luck fighting those guys:)
.... a friend of a friend has spilled the beans by saying that him and his other commercial fisherman have a 'bond' with the department... they go out, give am gifts and so on..:naughty::naughty::naughty:..... why do you think that most of the time the little guy gets his world screwed up and the commerial guys dont?:think:
There should be a public hanging for someone who accepts bribes from the gill netters. :cool:


I think we need to enact some kind of voter legislation through petition that would force ODFW to list all Salmon speicies as sport fish only (just like steelhead), that no less than 75% of ALL (commercial and sport) license sales be put into habitat and run enhancement to ensure sustained runs, ban gill nets in oregon permanently, and work with other state and federal agencies to reduce commercial harvest in compact states, ban the commercial fishing of salmon and steelhead to foriegn countries and municipalities (exception of canada..they put fish into the system too.)
Kodiak said:
I think we need to enact some kind of voter legislation through petition that would force ODFW to list all Salmon speicies as sport fish only (just like steelhead), that no less than 75% of ALL (commercial and sport) license sales be put into habitat and run enhancement to ensure sustained runs, ban gill nets in oregon permanently, and work with other state and federal agencies to reduce commercial harvest in compact states, ban the commercial fishing of salmon and steelhead to foriegn countries and municipalities (exception of canada..they put fish into the system too.)

I'm with you!

My gripe is that so much more money goes back into our local communities for each sport fish caught vs commercial fish. People come from all over the world to fish here in Oregon. That money is coming in from somewhere else. When the commercial boats wholesale those fish out to Japan they bring in only a small fraction of that kind of money per fish.

If we have to stop commercial fishing completely to maintain a good sport fishing season, I say lets do it.

I wish it were my choice.

Aceking said:
What kind of bull sh*t is this, that salmon fishing ends April 22 on columbia river the salmon just started runing and I havent goten a chance at catching one. Thanks to ODFW bunch of Bi*tches

Thas right Aceking...we will only pay for running the fishing and wildlife department....we ( sport anglers ) pay millions of dollars in license and tags fee and what we get in return....not even total 30 days of salmon fishing which is like what "not even 2%" of salmon runs...whereas dumb**s like kulongowski allow inland gillnetting......surprisingly we are the only state in US who allows inland gilnetting. Talk bout salmon conservation huh ?????
Don't get all worked up

Don't get all worked up

Aceking said:
Kulongowski is a gay A** f** that sucks on Di** all night then tells us we can't catch any more salmon on the columbia. At least he could have done is let there be fishing on saturdays for chinook on columbia river. And Fu** gill nets.

We are all right there with you..you seem pretty upset. While fighting for what we love to do we have to remember these people are controlled by money and votes. I think part of the problem we all have is we are seriously disorganized as a group and let our individual intrests start a bickering war between all of us. I believe if united under one banner we could control with votes and legislation anything we want. Including gillnets, season lengths, and what hatchery stocks we will allow on what systems and what we expect as returns. Above all else we must never get so upset we drop an astrisc...makes the swear words harder to figure out!!!:lol:
Kodiak said:
We are all right there with you..you seem pretty upset. While fighting for what we love to do we have to remember these people are controlled by money and votes. I think part of the problem we all have is we are seriously disorganized as a group and let our individual intrests start a bickering war between all of us. I believe if united under one banner we could control with votes and legislation anything we want. Including gillnets, season lengths, and what hatchery stocks we will allow on what systems and what we expect as returns. Above all else we must never get so upset we drop an astrisc...makes the swear words harder to figure out!!!:lol:

Don't bother Kodiak...this jerk is gone :clap:
But really whats up with chinook fishing ending on the 22 of April on the columbia. Is there going to be another chance of fishing on it this season.
Kodiak said:
While fighting for what we love to do we have to remember these people are controlled by money and votes.

Ha! more money than votes:(:naughty:
People wake up!!! you are the ones who elected those people, you now pay a price... so remember that next time:D;)
i understand that we have members on this sie of diffrent parties who might not be sharing the point of view or act. but i would still like to point out that what some folks did on Tax day, by coming together in Tea Parties and standing for what is right or what they believe. Was something that the forefathers had in mind when the biuld the Great Country.... and for those who might of forgot, its 'WE THE PEOPLE....' and no other way around. Heck, fishermen could do the same, go to Salem, Petition, and so on. we need to show them, that our voice needs to be heard. espiacilliy if we are paying there salaries:dance:
i dont know about the rest of you anglers, maybe you enjoy every secind of it, but im sick and tired of all of it....

p.s. do get me wrong im for the laws... but im also for justice:cool:
did some investigation

did some investigation

I did some investigating into what it would cost to have abill written by an attorney..gathering ballot signatures,etc...about $80,000.00 is what they came up with...gotta be acheaper way..any attorneys on here want to donate some time/work help us broke people create a better fishery/economy?
Kodiak said:
I did some investigating into what it would cost to have abill written by an attorney..gathering ballot signatures,etc...about $80,000.00 is what they came up with...gotta be acheaper way..any attorneys on here want to donate some time/work help us broke people create a better fishery/economy?
There's gotta be someone out there that can help with this, I just wish I knew someone.

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