thursday with no work

well it's been a rough week let me tell you. first i got laid off tuesday:pray: then my wife tells me that her mother and sister were coming to visit thursday:( well that was too much bad news for one week so instead of enjoying the in-laws for the day i met up with a buddy at cedar creek for a day of fishing. not much going on for the morning bite, come to think of it THERE WAS NO MORNING BITE!!! so i tied on a sand shrimp and first cast nailed this little 6 1/2 lb nook played him out snapped a pic and decided he was too dark so i let him go. all in all 6 hrs. of fishing with only 3 bites (missed), 1 fish and a little ray of sunshine on my week. by the way... anybody know of any jobs out there drop me a line, it would me much appreciated:pray:
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well it's been a rough week let me tell you. first i got laid off tuesday:pray: then my wife tells me that her mother and sister were coming to visit thursday:( well that was too much bad news for one week so instead of enjoying the in-laws for the day i met up with a buddy at cedar creek for a day of fishing. not much going on for the morning bite, come to think of it THERE WAS NO MORNING BITE!!! so i tied on a sand shrimp and first cast nailed this little 6 1/2 lb nook played him out snapped a pic and decided he was too dark so i let him go. all in all 6 hrs. of fishing with only 3 bites (missed), 1 fish and a little ray of sunshine on my week. by the way... anybody know of any jobs out there drop me a line, it would me much appreciated:pray:

sorry to hear about your layoff, but nice fishin'! as for jobs, good luck out there, i wish i could help, i have been laid off since Feb.9, my advice is apply everywhere, cuz everyone else is!! There are jobs, problem is there are thousands of us looking for 'em!:D


Can I have all the fish you throw back?

That fish I gaurantee had blood red meat and probably would have tasted delicious!

Nice fish BTW! :clap:
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