The skunk must die

I haven't been able to get out as much as I want this month due to lack of gas funds and working 50 hours a week like a slave, so tomorrow it's on. Gonna hit up the Mac and kill some chrome. That's the plan, and the plan can't change..because...I said so. Unfortunately, I have to be back at work at 12:30 in Veneta, so this is not so awesome...This means I get to wake up at 04:00 and if the skunk doesn't die, well, sucks to be my co-workers the rest of the afternoon lol.

Has anyone had any sucess yet ABOVE the dam? I was up there last week after work for a couple hours, and went home empty handed...I refuse to fish the stretch below the dam at leaburg if there's 20 million people again (I think it's turning into Dexter :( ) The regs allow the retention of non clipped fish, so why deal with that crazy zoo when you can fish up river in solitude? Yep, I see no reason.
I am up here in Portland so no fish report from me, but good luck JJ
I haven't been able to shake the nasty scent...
shot my skunk in the head with a .45 cal. this feels sooo good.
When I saw your title for this thread I thought maybe a skunk wandered into your parents house..was really thinking you were gonna have fun with that one!!! Just had a flashback to the whole mouse and then snake situations. Please forgive me..I'm a dork at times:)

Get some Chrome JeannaJigs.
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It just won't die!

It just won't die!

Got a spare .45? I'm still stinkin' of skunk. They were jumpin' around like kids hopped up on red bull. Crazy active. I saw 4 hooked, three landed....from boats. Fished from 05:00 until aboutttt 09:30 when my back gave out and I decided that the fish were just giving me the middle finger anyways by mouthing my offering, but not being nice and letting me set the hook, so I could get them to shore and bonk 'em on the head, so it was time to head home, plus the place was getting crowded, and was starting to resemble the combat zone I saw some evening last week. Don't people work, it's a week day? I want to be a regular week day fish killer :(

I just looked at my 401K statement...and it says my goal retirement year is 2050...That's a long time to wait to be a regular week day fish killer :(

I must win the lottery.

(and no, no skunks in the house....if that were the case, I'm sorry, the house would be burnt to the ground in a freak "accident" and there would insurance claim collection)
But skunks like to eat fish... so if you catch a fish, wouldn't it just come back more? :lol::whistle:
No Luck Here. Steelies nowhere to be found?

No Luck Here. Steelies nowhere to be found?

I am new to steelhead fishing, I'm using a float and Jig's, Think I've got a good Idea of the basics but I don't know where to go for summer steel? I been on the N. Santiam from Lyons through stayton area, but not above the Cement Mehayma bridge, (fishermen's bend) I heard that they are in the masses up above Lyons and Mehayma? any Help would be great, Love the forum too!!!
ibanez_shredder said:
I am new to steelhead fishing, I'm using a float and Jig's, Think I've got a good Idea of the basics but I don't know where to go for summer steel? I been on the N. Santiam from Lyons through stayton area, but not above the Cement Mehayma bridge, (fishermen's bend) I heard that they are in the masses up above Lyons and Mehayma? any Help would be great, Love the forum too!!!
Couldn't help you there, I'm down south on the McKenzie. Haven't fished the Santiam since I was six years old, and all I remember about it is the mass quantities of vicious Yellow Jackets..nothing about the actual fishing...sooo, no help here lol.
ibanez_shredder said:
I am new to steelhead fishing, I'm using a float and Jig's, Think I've got a good Idea of the basics but I don't know where to go for summer steel? I been on the N. Santiam from Lyons through stayton area, but not above the Cement Mehayma bridge, (fishermen's bend) I heard that they are in the masses up above Lyons and Mehayma? any Help would be great, Love the forum too!!!

Somebody been lying to you. I've been fishing the nooks hard and it's hit or miss for everybody. The steelies this year on the north fork are just downright stubborn. I have never, repeat, NEVER EVER had this hard of a time slaying steel. Most of the guides I know are downright metal wanting to play...It's about to cause a riot. Its the end of june I should have close to 15 summers dead and in the freezer, I've got 2. I only know of about 12 other steelies hit on this ditch this year except when they re-ran a couple of thursdays ago.


well, that was my guess, however, I don't know as I'm a green fisherman. I'm very releived that it's not a simple matter of " I suck" lol thank you all for your feedback.
Try hitting the south fork at foster dam..a much better run right ow than onm the north fork.
south fork

south fork

which side of the dam, i'm not familiar with the area.
Kodiak said:
Try hitting the south fork at foster dam..a much better run right ow than onm the north fork.

Would you quit sending them over here. What about all the free beer they were giving away up there in Mill City??? HMMM:lol:. But really slaying steel up here requires one to follow the truck from the ladder. We've picked a few up drifting down from the dam. But it is really slow for this time of year. I like the north side below the dam. But for a real experience one should fish Wiley Creek. Good Luck!!
Commodore S said:
Would you quit sending them over here. What about all the free beer they were giving away up there in Mill City??? HMMM:lol:. But really slaying steel up here requires one to follow the truck from the ladder. We've picked a few up drifting down from the dam. But it is really slow for this time of year. I like the north side below the dam. But for a real experience one should fish Wiley Creek. Good Luck!!

thats mean to do to a noob commadore..poor guy..don't do that. Hatchery side, throw jigs, red, white head black body, pink, pink n' white. As far as the free beer over here..that could explain my inability to keep fish pinned and into the net. PM sent com.


tryin to set me up haha, j/k. free beer? where? i've been missin out!! I was near stayton on the N. Santiam waist high in the water with my sneaks and shorts on so i'm not to "new" i guess, I did some fly fishing for the first time, with much success, unfortunately they were all tiny little trout, also did much spin fishing for steelies, not much bobber and jig. it was hittin like the spinners so I left the jigs in the box, but some of my lures worked pretty well on the trout...

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