What is the best river for Blue Backs?
EastCountyRookie said:What is the best river for Blue Backs?
FishFinger said:Alosa aestivalis, Blueback shad
Isn't that a east coast species. The USS Blueback is moored @ OMSI so I'd have to say.. The Willamette?
ArcticAmoeba said:If you are referring to Sockeye, the Sandy does have a very small, newish finned run. They did net the Mouth of the Salmon, at the Sandy to try to get some of the clipped fish that blasted. Most got mis-I.D.'d, as Coho, but a few were getting pretty booty red. Eagle Creek in the Clackamas system does not have a Sockeye run. They get Steelhead, Coho, Cutthroat, and now some nasty Chinook.
EastCountyRookie said:Well guys I was referring to the Blue backs as winter steelhead because when they're fresh their back is dark blue, sorry for the confusion.
Troutski said:I have done very well on the Siouslaw River, and the Umpqua River system. The key to those pesky BlueBacks is timing.....you have to be there when the are actively moving up stream. If you hit it just right you will have the time of your life---I guarantee it !!!!
FishFinger said:Yes...I was/ am confused. I believed "the google" regarding the shad thing
We do get shad runs and some folks, eat em.
Yeah boi..... Winter steelhead. I'm a sandy fan myself but in the process of re-learning the Clack.
Troutski said:I was referring to Blue Back Trout, it is a sea run Trout that comes in to spawn and then leaves again back to the sea. They average around 18" and are quite acrobatic when hooked on a spinner. Sorry for the misunderstanding....
Fish on 7 said:Troutski, I hooked a fish on a spinner on the McKenzie below leaburg last week. It went about 18". Jumped 2x and shook the hook. Could that have been a blue back? I am not sure what it was. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Fishtopher said:Id have to say there are a few types of salmon that taste better than shad. Might taste better than a 'nook, but no way a Coho! Ive only had a Sockeye at my uncles, but it tasted better than the shad I had too.