Tennis elbow!!!

My job is ruining my summer! :mad: Making plywood is hard work! :( I have the worst case of tendonitis ever! Today is my 1 day off and I'm not even fishing because it hurts so bad! I've been to the doctor, gotten prescriptions, a support brace that is supposed to take pressure to the tendons, tried icing my elbow with a bag of frozen peas, at this point I am just about willing to try anything! Anyone have any advice? I would like to chase summer runs at least a few days more this summer! The run on the North river has been pretty dismal so far and has gotten worse each week since the 4th, Too many casts between fish! Last week I watched my bobber go down with that eratic wiggle waggle takedown that signals that a fish had grabbed my fly, when I set the hook I felt the pressure of a heavy steelhead and 2 violent headshakes, then the hook pulled out....BUT OH MY....THE PAIN!!! Can't help but feel that because of the pain my hookset was kind of weak! Maybe the fish just didn't hook well, it happens!

Anyway, I'm not fishing for several weeks and Bummed!
My job is ruining my summer! :mad: Making plywood is hard work! :( I have the worst case of tendonitis ever! Today is my 1 day off and I'm not even fishing because it hurts so bad! I've been to the doctor, gotten prescriptions, a support brace that is supposed to take pressure to the tendons, tried icing my elbow with a bag of frozen peas, at this point I am just about willing to try anything! Anyone have any advice? I would like to chase summer runs at least a few days more this summer! The run on the North river has been pretty dismal so far and has gotten worse each week since the 4th, Too many casts between fish! Last week I watched my bobber go down with that eratic wiggle waggle takedown that signals that a fish had grabbed my fly, when I set the hook I felt the pressure of a heavy steelhead and 2 violent headshakes, then the hook pulled out....BUT OH MY....THE PAIN!!! Can't help but feel that because of the pain my hookset was kind of weak! Maybe the fish just didn't hook well, it happens!

Anyway, I'm not fishing for several weeks and Bummed!

That sucks!!! Man my dad has tennis elbow bad sometimes, flairs up periodically. Did you get the strap band style support for above the elbow?? That brace, ibuprofen at maximum doseage (600mg) three times a day, and icing it as often as you can tolerate it, is the best you can do for it. Ibuprofen works on the inflammation, but not so much the pain, so you can also take tylenol at 500mg four times a day for pain, so long as you aren't on other medications, and aren't allergic to it.
I have a little experience with this being that I played tennis for U0fO as well as professionally after 25 years in the industry and feeling your pain I will give a little bit of advice.

First Jenna advice above is great. I would ice three times a day and take as much ibuprofen as you can. Though it is not good to take large amounts for long periods of time I believe that you will be ok taking 800mb three times a day for a week. The hard part is taking time off which I imagine you cannot do since its your job. Some things that can help tennis players with tennis elbow is changing strings. Using a softer string can take pressure and vibration off your elbow. Maybe think of things you can do at your work to change how you are doing what you are doing to help alleviate the pain, not sure what you are doing exactly but for example you can change the way you handle the plywood and hold it. Things like that.

The ice and ibuprofen are very important and if you can get a prescription anti-inflammatory from your doctor that could help a lot. You can also do stretching of the elbow area and even more importantly use strength training using stretch bands. I can give you some exercises to do and these help strengthen the area around your elbow improving blood flow and strength to support your elbow. You have to be diligent with all of this to get improvement because the inflammation can come back very easy.

There is another theory about curing tennis elbow but its not very fun. Some think that by creating scar tissue around the area inflamed can help cure tennis elbow. For me this is what happened. I played tennis through very painful tennis elbow and after three our four weeks it went away. What seemed to happen is that as I pushed through it scar tissue built up around the inflamed area and for what ever reason made the pain go away. I would not recommend this as is very painful I don't know if it really is a way to get rid of it. All I know is that happened when I was 14 years old and I went another 13 or 14 years without ever having tennis elbow again.

I would first do all that you can to reduce inflammation by ice and ani-inflammatory. Rest as much as you can, change what you do to help take pressure off the area and lastly strengthen the area around your elbow to alleviate the pain and help healing. Good luck.
I've been hitting the over the counter pain meds at max dose a couple of times a day. I also have a prescription for the anti-inflamitory Naproxen, been icing the elbow and wearing the support strap, even at night sometimes trying to heal the tendons. At work I do change jobs or postions frequently but the pain continues! Maybe I'll have to work through it and build scar tissue! I'll deffinetely try more stretching! Thanks for the advice.

Probably gonna become a troller! I'm sure fall Chinook and Coho are coming in on every tide at Winchester bay now!
I heard HGH is a sure fix too. Not sure where you'd get it, but if you know any baseball players or cyclists they should be able to help you out.
I've worked plywood pretty much my whole life. I'm no stranger to freaking tendonitis... Its not the best thing for you, but man a cortisone shot works wonders. Next day, pains gone. I know some of the old timers got them all the time. I've only ever needed two. One in the wrist & one in the shoulder. What are you doing, pulling? Layup?
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Cortisone shots work but are not a solution a lot of times. It reduces inflammation fast but does not do anything to actually fix the problem. If you can get a shot and do things to change what causes the problem then its a good option.
I Had a bout of it when I was building decks. Holding that dam nail gun ALL DAY LONG. My doc had me doing stretches about every hour cut the pain way down! Im just glad I dont have to hold that gun any more. Still acts up after a couple strait days of running a track hoe.
I've worked plywood pretty much my whole life. I'm no stranger to freaking tendonitis... Its not the best thing for you, but man a cortisone shot works wonders. Next day, pains gone. I know some of the old timers got them all the time. I've only ever needed two. One in the wrist & one in the shoulder. What are you doing, pulling? Layup?

A little of everything! Laying core, feeding core, turning sheets, even running a press didn't offer any relief!!! My doctor mentioned a cortisone shot but I'm giving the brace and the anti-inflamitories their chance first! I'm surprised at the intensity of the pain! Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because of the pain and can't hardly lift a water bottle! Blows my mind! It really sucks!!!
I've had the same thing keep me off the river for a while, naproxin made me sleepy so that didn't work as well as I would like. I finally got a new pole, 9' 9" med-light Berkley Air ($80 sportsmans) and it takes a lot of strain off the arms, also sticking with bobbers or drift fishing helps, because throwing spinners all day is hard work. Take a break and once you are feeling better look for a new rod if you don't already have one that has a faster action and will cast for you with just 1-2 feet of movement on your part. I was using a medium ugly stick and that is like swinging a baseball bat if you are going for distance casts. Hope you get better soon, and remember, once you hook one the pain is gone, but it hurts after you land it! :)
I've been hitting the over the counter pain meds at max dose a couple of times a day. I also have a prescription for the anti-inflamitory Naproxen, been icing the elbow and wearing the support strap, even at night sometimes trying to heal the tendons. At work I do change jobs or postions frequently but the pain continues! Maybe I'll have to work through it and build scar tissue! I'll deffinetely try more stretching! Thanks for the advice.

Probably gonna become a troller! I'm sure fall Chinook and Coho are coming in on every tide at Winchester bay now!

Just so your aware, Naproxen is just simply Aleve.

Hope you get back on the water quick, I know first hand how it feels to miss out on fishing due to injury. It blows big time!
Just so your aware, Naproxen is just simply Aleve.

Hope you get back on the water quick, I know first hand how it feels to miss out on fishing due to injury. It blows big time!

Figures!!! I have a presription for Aleve! Deffinetely feeling my age! I don't remember not fishing??? I wish I had a scanner hooked up to my computor, I have a pic of me at about 3 yrs olf holding a stick with a string and a cardboard cutout of a fish!!! I do not remember never having fished in my lifetime! I like to hunt, so fishing is on Hiatus for parts of the fall, is my one true love!!!!

I'll be back!!! I hope!
Man that sucks. I would started trolling so you can get out and the fish are fresher anyways and its my favorite way to fish. Hope you still manage to get out fishing and the pain subsides.
A little of everything! Laying core, feeding core, turning sheets, even running a press didn't offer any relief!!! My doctor mentioned a cortisone shot but I'm giving the brace and the anti-inflamitories their chance first! I'm surprised at the intensity of the pain! Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because of the pain and can't hardly lift a water bottle! Blows my mind! It really sucks!!!

You working on a spreader crew?
I spent a lot of years on the spreaders and layup lines. Those two jobs will make a old man out of you fast... Now I'm a sawyer, retirement job ;) Big padded chair, heat and A/C... That is if this industry can hold on.....
I spent a lot of years on the spreaders and layup lines. Those two jobs will make a old man out of you fast... Now I'm a sawyer, retirement job ;) Big padded chair, heat and A/C... That is if this industry can hold on.....

I'm already an old man!!! I figure I'll get layed off come fall, things look pretty slow in the housing industry this year, I imagine this winter will be dead! Maybe I'll be laid off in time for Coho's!
Hey Mad Dog I was thinking about this some more the other night. When I was having problems with mine teh Doc also had me adjust how I put my arms when I slept. I guess a lot of people myself included tense up there arms an as they sleep. I had to work a lot on relaxing my wrist but it helped a lot.
Figures!!! I have a presription for Aleve! Deffinetely feeling my age! I don't remember not fishing??? I wish I had a scanner hooked up to my computor, I have a pic of me at about 3 yrs olf holding a stick with a string and a cardboard cutout of a fish!!! I do not remember never having fished in my lifetime! I like to hunt, so fishing is on Hiatus for parts of the fall, is my one true love!!!!

I'll be back!!! I hope!

I'm told that when I was two my mom tied a string on a stick and I sat in front of a bucket of water for two hours waiting for the fish to bite! If there had only been a fly on the string!

I've been down the road with tendinitis as well and I found that physical therapy helped me the most. If your injury (that's what it is you know) is due to your work I hope you are claiming workman comp. You should get all the help you need to get back to work, even if it means all of the above treatments and TIME OFF for it to heal. Just don't let them catch you fishing when you would otherwise be working. ICE, ICE, ICE, stretch, stretch, stretch.... even after it heals.

Good luck,

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